what is indicated when organisms have similar DNA?

Answer #1

that they are perhaps related and or have similar traits

Answer #2

okayy thank you! (:

Answer #3

no prob took that test today no kidding lol

Answer #4

Chemical analysis of the DNA strand, if the sequences are similar (or the same) then it’s considered N% similar, etc…the higher the % overlap, the closer in distance the two creatures are on the evolutionary scale.

Answer #5

most organisms have DNA which is really similar. There are only four kinds of nucleotides and that only gives so many options. More similar theoretically indicates the species are more closely related but the fact is, organisms have much less genes than you would expect and most of the variation between or even within species is not due so much to what DNA is there, but how that DNA is translated into proteins. Its one thing to be there, but if the gene is not active and/or cant lead to the production of functional protein, it doesnt matter, it wont do anything.

Answer #6

To put it simply, it means we’re similar. This doesn’t necessarily mean we’re actually related.

Answer #7

really?! hahah i took it yesterdayy and got a B+ lol

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