What is your opinion on freedom of speech?

Answer #1

someone who says “up to you “

Answer #2

It is one of the greatest rights that we are given. Of course there is always going to be a person or a group of people that say things that we do not like. For example the Westboro Baptist Church. A ton of people would love to strangle them all. But they have the right to say that stuff, even though it is 100% wrong to say.

P.S. If you do not know who Westboro Baptist are I suggest you do a little research and you will find out why I used them as an example.

Answer #3

I think it should be changed to “freedom of PC speech”. The word “freedom” implies far more than people are allowed to have … for example, you don’t have the freedom to spew hate towards another race, you don’t have the freedom to publicly slander a person, and you don’t have the freedom to run through a crowded building yelling fire.

Answer #4

No freedom is complete. With every freedom comes responsibility. If you say something slanderous you can be prosecuted. If you shout fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire you are responsible for the results. What is this about PC speech? A quick web search will produce all sorts of culturally insensitive speech.

Answer #5

Everyone should be free to say whatever they want to say - as long as they don’t cause significant damage with their words.

And everyone else should be allowed to reply anything they want to reply - unless they cause significant damage.

Everyone should be able to say their opinion, even if it’s mean, dumb, thoughtless, imbecile and uneducated. I don’t think that making someone huffy is significant damage. Even insults or politically incorrect speech should be tolerated. Well if you don’t share the speakers opinion you can say your own. You can even say that you think he should shut the f… up or go to the basement and tell it to his wall.

People should NOT be allowed to abet violence against a person or a group of people or tell lies that are calumny about anyone or any group. That’s the limit I would set to freedom of speech.

Answer #6

People should be free to say and do what they want as long as it doesn’t physically hurt or offend anyone in my opinion.

Answer #7

freedom of speech (responsibly) = good

Answer #8

its overrated

Answer #9

It’s worrisome that we have gotten to a point where we accept certain caveats as reasonable constraints on freedoms. In particular the freedom of speech.

As long as the expressions of human rights do not infringe upon anothers… then there is no harm.

Those who seek to impose restrictions on rights do so because the free expression of those rights pose a threat to their hegemonic sway over the majority of people in one way or another.

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