should I ask him out online?

I was gonna ask him out yesterday but I couldn’t find him to ask him. Summer just started today and I don’t wanna wait 2 and a half months to tell him, and I know another girl already likes him and I don’t want her dating him cuz I wanna ask him out. what should I do?

Answer #1

Hey X) Well usually i would say know, cuz it is NO fun being asked out online =P But since its summer, and u dont have to worry about seeing him in the halls tomorrow, i say go for it!! Good Luck whatever you choose! =D

Answer #2

i ment usually i would say “no”…lol,oops…

Answer #3

Why not? Go for it. If you aren’t going to see him soon then it isn’t such a bad idea. I would personally say, phoning him would be better, but it is up to you.

Good luck!!

Answer #4

do it:) i would just suggest to ‘hangout’ so there’s less pressure. He’ll be all like ‘ alright, sounds cool’ and! haha good luck!

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