Answer #1

You need ingredients: japanese style rice, fillings of your choice, water, seaweed,.. you may add vinegar, sugar salt, if u want.

  1. leave rice in pot for 20-30 minutes, before turning it on (this causes the rice to be sticky)
  2. Allow the rice to cools down. As you wait, make your filling (Whip tuna and mayo in a bowl, cut vegetables, meat, etc)
  3. Place a cutting board on the counter, and wash your hands clean (keeps rice from sticking in hand) After you do this, scoop some rice in a spoon/ scooper.
  4. Make a deep crater in the rice ball, but don’t puncture it to the point that your fingers slip to the other side (This is where your filling is going to go, so just deep enough to place things in)
  5. Insert filing into hole (don’t overfill it! Don’t press tightly, or the rice will get sloppy.)
  6. To shape your rice like a triangle, make an “L” with your finger.. and shape it from there
  7. Wrap Nori (seaweed) around your onigiri. You can wrap the entire seaweed or just a piece around it. Its depends on you. The seaweed helps to keep the rice in its shape and off your hands.
  8. ENJOY!
Answer #2

THANK YOU ! :D Are there any fillings you recommend? (:

Answer #3

salmon is a good filling. i use it when i make onigiri

Answer #4

cooked or raw ? :O prepared in any special way?

Answer #5

i use it raw, but you could cook it if you want. i use pink salmon from the chicken of the sea package, but you don’t have to use salmon. you could probably use other things like tuna,chicken, crab meat, etc

Answer #6

oh, anytime Victoria.. and for fillings, my favorites would be : Salted salmon with mayo or Tuna with mayonnaise… trust me, these combinations taste so good together. I hope you enjoy your Onigiri :D

Answer #7

I hope so too, xD I tend to be horrible with cooking.

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