Ok or not ok? yes or no? hot or not?

guys in skinny jeans girls in skinny jeans guys wearing nail polish/eyeliner/mascara/eyeshadow pda passing notes/texting in class cussing at your parents drinking smoking miley cyrus NONONONONONONO famous peeps keeping all the money when they could be doing better things with it

Answer #1

lol when I said pda I meant personal display of affection ie: making out in public

Answer #2

guys in skinny jeans yes, skinny jeans dont make them gay or anything, and nowdays its perfectllt fine and acceptable for men to dress or look more feminine or “metro” also it might be part of the style of a temporariy label theyve joined so long as there not too tight because that could actually make them infertile

girls in skinny jeans fine again, there just jeans but tighter

guys wearing nail polish/eyeliner/mascara/eyeshadow nothing wrong with that

pda personal displays of affection, perfectly fine as long as there not all over each other in from of other people of using sickly cute pet names out loud. but a kiss, holding hands, ect is fine

passing notes/texting in class no, your in class to learn, if you wanted to talk to your friends do it on recess or lunch

cussing at your parents not really, but I do it cussing when your angry is ok but cussing to insault them isnt

drinking I used to a bit, now I hate drinking its okay though as long as little kids arnt doing it, teens arnt abusing it at places like parties , ect

smoking no, theres nothing good about smoking f*cking up your health and lowering your life expectancuy is never a good thing

miley cyrus no, I dislike her strongly, becalkive shes dressing too provocativley, and acting like a typical lost teenage skank whos been caught up in the media. shes grow up too fast. and no 16 year old needs a 21 year old boyfreind shes a disgusting role model for young children

famous peeps keeping all the money when they could be doing better things with it really, its there money and being rich they can be as greedy or kind as they want because if you dont want them to have that money, dont support them but yes, if they have so much it would be wise to give a little back to charities, the comunity, another good cause, to research, to help the enviroment, ect

Answer #3

guys in skinny jeans - Perfectly fine… they can wear whatever the hell they please.

girls in skinny jeans - Perfectly fine… they can wear whatever the hell they please.

guys wearing nail polish/eyeliner/mascara/eyeshadow - 100% FINE. If they wanna wear makeup/nail polish that’s THEIR business, not yours. Besides, makeup/nail polish has become a unisex thing meaning GUYS AND GIRLS WEAR IT! And that’s just fine. They have a right to wear it if they want to.

pda - No problem with it at all, it’s showing love… if someone doesn’t like it, they can just turn their head haha

passing notes/texting in class - Ok with it, school sucked, I’m glad I’m out of it. I’d always talk/not pay attention. They eventually just gave up yelling at me because they knew I wouldn’t listen anyway.

cussing at your parents - I’m actually guilty of it… especially at my dad because me and him don’t get along. I try not to at my mom because me and her get along well, but sometimes when I get pissed I sorta fly off the handle.

drinking - Absolutely fine… unless your a dumba*s who drinks and drives… then it’s NOT ok.

smoking - I’ve got no problem with it at all, if you don’t like it because someone smokes, oh well. It’s their life not yours.

miley cyrus - NO… I HATE her with a passion.

famous peeps keeping all the money when they could be doing better things with it - Eh… the greedy ones annoy me. They could put all their $$$ to good use instead of buying stupid stuff like a new car for every day of the week.

Answer #4

ooohhh!!! :Ooops! :U(smiley with a huge open mouth) well then, no for every one of them! o:)(smiley with halo, as if guilty)

Answer #5

all but pda(they are the electronics that have dictionaries, calculator, clocks, and stuff like that right?) is a big, fat NO!!! :P

Answer #6

guys in skinny jeans – yahh some guys look good like that girls in skinny jeans – yahh guys wearing nail polish/eyeliner/mascara/eyeshadow – I dont agree with it pda – disgusting passing notes/texting in class – I’ve done it but I dont reccomend it. take all you can out of school cussing at your parents – I dont do it drinking – as long as you dont overdo it smoking – your choice miley cyrus – I dont mind her famous peeps keeping all the money when they could be doing better things with it – its their money they earned it

Answer #7

guys in skinny jeans -hot girls in skinny jeans -hot guys wearing nail polish/eyeliner/mascara/eyeshadow -not pda-not passing notes/texting in class - good cussing at your parents-not drinking -yah smoking -noo miley cyrus NONONONONONONO famous peeps keeping all the money when they could be doing better things with it

Answer #8

guys in skinny jeans- not (except pete wentz)

girls in skinny jeans - hot

guys wearing nail polish/eyeliner/mascara/eyeshadow- not (pete wentz being another excpetion)

pda- yess :)

passing notes/texting in class- yes

cussing at your parents- nar

drinking- yes

smoking- nar

miley cyrus NONONONONONONO - sometimes haa

famous peeps keeping all the money when they could be doing better things with it-wrongg!!!

Answer #9

guys in skinny jeans -ok-yes-hottt girls in skinny jeans -ok-yes-hottt guys wearing nail polish/eyeliner/mascara/eyeshadow -ok-yes-hottt pda -ok-yes-hot passing notes/texting in class-ok-yes-hot cussing at your parents -not ok-no-not drinking -no opinion smoking -not ok-no-not miley cyrus NONONONONONONO-not ok-no-not famous peeps keeping all the money when they could be doing better things with it-not ok-no-not

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