Obama rocks, but are you ready?

YAHHH obama won…well not exactly won won but won none the less…anyway im a proud black woman/girl and im happy to see a black man finally gettin sum where in the gov…but is white america read 4 a black pres??

Answer #1

loulou11: “I don’t care that he’s black but there’s things that he does that makes him seem not american. such as not saying the national anthem!!! I rather have Hillary anyday than Obama.”

I suggest your ignore chain emails and go and find out info for yourselves. Obama does say the pledge, hold his hand over his heart, and sings the national anthem.

amblessed: “It’s not totally black and white as you put forth - policies, views, demonstrated judgement, building up or dismantling this country’s ability to defend itself, etc - just a few important factors that must be considered - To me, he is extremely lacking in almost all these areas - I’m ready yes and searching for a candidate of solid core values, integrity, and Leadership qualities - still searching and I would submit Clarence Thomas, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, etc have already ‘gotten somewhere’ in gov’t.”

I will assume you voted for Bush, probably twice. Do you honestly believe he has demonstrated good judgement, or made us more secure? If you do, I have some information from the National intelligence Estimate that proves otherwise.

Regardless of your partisan view of Obama, he has shown great intelligence, integrity, competency, and great leadership. Much more than can be said for Bush or McCain.

esconsult1, excellent post!!

Answer #2

you know what, I’ve finally been broken. I know where this country is heading, and its a certainty if McCain is ellected. and I don’t want that, I’ll take any hope of change. I didn’t plan on voting this year because I don’t favor any of the candadites, and McCain is going to win anyways. but im going to anyway because I figured Obama’s going to need every vote he can muster. Whats f*cked up is that if Obama was named Robert Smith, he would have this election hands down. I don’t think his race matters as much as his name. it shouts “im a terrorist” to most people. thats what got me for the longest time, I don’t care about race. but his name scared me, its just way to coinsidental for most people to even risk. and based on that fact alone people will not vote for him, thats what the election is going to come down to, weather people can get past that. thats my thought anyway. I can see where the country will be in 4 years if McCains elected, won’t be good. I can’t see it for Obama though, hopefully he will bring about change. thats another thing, people fear change. So I really don’t think Obama is going to win

Answer #3

I think that we shouldn’t be so racial and, I’m not voting for Obomma. He is not getting my vote at all!! I don’t care for the man and, he’s friends with an unrepentent terrorist. I know you won’t like this answer since you might call me a right winger but Oh well!! It doesn’t matter if he’s black or not I just don’t think that he knows foreign policy or national security. I could go on but, I don’t want too. Find out who the real Obomma is and, maybe you’ll change your mind. If not, continue to be a Obomma Cool Aid drinker.

Answer #4

I don’t care that he’s black but there’s things that he does that makes him seem not american. such as not saying the national anthem!!! I rather have Hillary anyday than Obama.

Answer #5

@jimahl – thanks

Here is a rather devastating take-down of McCain and his “experience”. http://www.crooksandliars.com/2008/06/04/mccain-emphasizes-gas-tax-holiday-again-rails-against-elites/

It is so devastating that anyone who reads it and looks at all the sources of what he actually said, there is no way that person with a straight face could vote for McCain, unless that person would (if he could) vote for a bush third term.

Answer #6

It’s not totally black and white as you put forth - policies, views, demonstrated judgement, building up or dismantling this country’s ability to defend itself, etc - just a few important factors that must be considered - To me, he is extremely lacking in almost all these areas - I’m ready yes and searching for a candidate of solid core values, integrity, and Leadership qualities - still searching and I would submit Clarence Thomas, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, etc have already ‘gotten somewhere’ in gov’t.

Answer #7

“I think that we shouldn’t be so racial and, I’m not voting for Obomma. He is not getting my vote at all!! I don’t care for the man and, he’s friends with an unrepentent terrorist. I know you won’t like this answer since you might call me a right winger but Oh well!! It doesn’t matter if he’s black or not I just don’t think that he knows foreign policy or national security. I could go on but, I don’t want too. Find out who the real Obomma is and, maybe you’ll change your mind. If not, continue to be a Obomma Cool Aid drinker.”

You have to be one of the more ignorant people on this site. You are too stupid to even know how to spell his name right, and you propagate lies about ties to terrorist.

Please do go on. Your ignorance can be entertaining at times.

Answer #8

What inspires me about Obama, is not his race or “inexperience”, but the ability for America to finally make a clean break with the past.

You can clearly see it with his overall support. People under 35 will mostly love Barak, while people over 50 will mostly have big problems with him. And its not because of experience, but because of the generational thought patterns that we’re saddled with.

No one can say that he does not have solid core values, integrity and leadership qualities with a straight face.

It’s that people 35 years old or less have a different definition of what those things are. We have different priorities than our parents and grandparents these days. For instance, the under 35’s don’t really care about Barak’s name, but an older jewish guy asked him in florida a few weeks ago: “Why don’t you change your name to Barry?”. That was the same question I saw an older guy say in a newspaper op-ed 15 years ago when talking about the new crop of immigrants from China, India, Mexico, etc. He wanted them to change their names to Tom, Dick and Harry.

One issue that stands out for me is the whole policy towards Cuba. The dictatorship has no end in sight – and we have the same policy towards them for the past 50 years or so. No one wants to even talk to Cuba, except Obama.

That’s what I mean by a generational change and a change in attitude. This IS the youtube generation, not the sitcom generation. This is the funadvice generation, not the CB radio generation. This is the World of Warcraft generation, not the pac-man generation.

This is why McCain (despite his years of “experience”) and especially Hillary, despite her years of connection to the government, would be so bad for this country now. It says a lot when the energy policies of both these people is about removing the gas tax for the summer, instead of focusing on how we will copy with $8 per gallon gas in the near future.

We need deep, deep, deep change in this country, not the stupidness of thinking that Obama is un-american, or that he will not defend the country. Those thoughts are the thoughts that were put forth before Kennedy became president, before Bill Clinton became president, before Teddy Roosevelt and many many great presidents going back into history faced those same questions too.

What sold it for me was the contrast yesterday in speeches between Obama and McCain, if you saw both speeches one after the other it was like day and night, the past and the future, feeble and virile, argumentative and decisive.

I know the America that I want to raise my young family in, and it does not include the fights and arguments of the past. It does not include John McCain as president, It requires strong change we can believe in. Yes we can!

Answer #9

My brother-in-law is a general and has doubts about McCain’s leadership. He, as well as I, have doubts about his mistakes regarding facts about the war. Recently he stated “We have drawn down to presurge levels. Basra, Mosul and now Sadar City are quiet.” Quite a mistake. It makes you wonder if he is confused or lying to futher his agenda. And we have had enough of that from the president.

Answer #10

You are right, I probably went a little to far.


Answer #11

You should check out the website, therealmccain.com

They show him for the flip flopper he really is.

Answer #12


You are entitled to your opinions but it is pretty low class to be insulting others because you disagree with their opinion.

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