How can I make my boyfriend want me more?

How can I make my boyfriend want me more?

Answer #1

tbh I reckon all answers dont give a specific answer. ok im 15 but I know how to make my guy want me. he’s 16. I sometimes feel he doesn’t want me, but it’s just me being paranoid. Yet I still continue to try and tease. I stop calling him ‘babe’ and start getting friendly with his mates. not flirty just friendly, by then he is confused and some lads get. if he wanted sex then I’d tell him I don’t feel like it right now, as im ill or some other exuse. Ill keep this up for about 2 -6 weeks, without showing him any skin. then one nightwere were both off to sleep ill get undressed infront of him and then sleep somewhere different to him. he’ll then come begging for not just me but for ME

Answer #2

guys like it when you rub their inner thigh it turns them on

Answer #3

well.. your question isnt very specific… if he is shy maybe he does really want you but he is just afraid to express it my boyfriends really likes me A LOT and i like him too but he shows it more becuase he is less shy. i think maybe u need to hang out with him more and tell him everything be really open and honest. tease him a little like tickle him then kiss him. let him know he can trust you… try to get a personal question out of him like if he is circumcized or not, just a question that he would only want you to know. call him sweet names like love, sweetie. hun, babe. make him WANT you tell him youll give him what he wants.. like head but dont feel pressured to do it if you dont want to any questions funmail me

Answer #4

well im 15 and my boyfriend is 16 we have only been dating a few weeks but he will start kissing me then stop to tell me how beautiful I am to him and I just be myself I try to be tottally comfortable with him not try not to let my butterflys to noticable.

Answer #5

u cant make him have more wat he has gains more and more evryday .

Answer #6

everyone has their own opinion on how to get there boyfriend to want them more but really I think there is no right answer. every guy is different and though it seems like all these ladies are helping how could you take advice for some other girl when she is not with the same guy as you.I believe that they are right that you should be yourself and in my opinion try not to get to close to anyone other the your boyfriend. I’m only 15 and this may not help but I hope it does something.

Answer #7

Well me and my boyfriend have been going out for 4 1/2 years (yes we have broken up a couple time for like 2 days) but when I want him to want my more I hang out with his friends and play football or try to play football with them and he thinks its cute and drags me away for lil bit and he always says that he loves me so much and that im the one for him.. don’t try being slutty and messing with hes friends to make him jealous show skin but not to much… and guys may thing its hot when you show your boobs off but your boyfriend thinks its trashy

ps.. im 19 and we are planing on getting married in 2 years trust me if I still have this one it will work

Answer #8

what I do with my boyfriend is ill tease him and he will try to kiss me and ill be like nope I cant and he will be like please baby I need you and it makes me feel really special.

Answer #9

well, im confused, I think I’ve found like, the perfect guy, he’s 18 and im 15, well he turns 18 in like 2 days, but hes a really shy guy, like he doesnt talk to anyone but me, which is weird, but I mean, its almost like we are just really close siblings, but I dont want to ‘tease’ him or whatever, so im just really confused, I just want him to be more of a boyfriend and like hold my hand or maybe kiss me, even if its just on the cheeck, but I dont want to bring it up, becuase I’m shy myself sigh I hate highschool anyway, please help me!

Answer #10

are you nuts or just have low self esteem? you are only 15 and you sound like you are trying so hard to be a woman when you are not. at your age you shouldn’t have to give a horny 16 yr old sex and try to play sex mind games. you shouldn’t have to play any games whatsoever when you are an adult and the man is really in love with you. so stop trying to be who you are not quite yet, and start acting your age. how sad that you are so insecure that you have to give it up, to a boy who a few years from now will not even remember your name. Try to have a talk with some 15 yr old girls who have a baby and look forward to that kind of life, where no cute boy will even want a child with a baby. don’t make mistakes so young. fool around with your boyfriend all you want, who says you have to go all the way?

Answer #11

tell him how you feel

Answer #12

Do you want him to lust over you, or love you? Just be yourself!!!

Answer #13

well with my boyfriend what I do is remind him how much I love him a lot and I share and discuss everything with him he says im one his girlfriend/wife and two his best friend I am only 15 and he is 16 and I just be myself around him if he is going to like me then he will if he is not then its not ment to be

Answer #14

just be yourself and let him know how you feel about him but don’t be too clingy cause guys hate that. if you’re really clingy then they will say “now I’ve got her right where I want her” and then they will probably dump you. just tease him a little.

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