Nose pierceing

How do you pierce your own nose?

Answer #1

I have the money to go to the shop but I dont have the permission by my parents im 14 :[[

Answer #2

ill tell you that your stupid if do that get it professionaly done.

Answer #3

I don’t have the money to go to a shop

Answer #4

You don’t do any piercing yourself. Your NOT a professional so therefore you don’t know what your doing. Anyone who is actually telling you how ISN’T right. Even if they claim to be a professional, don’t listen to them. If they were a TRUE professional, they wouldn’t be telling you how. They’d be saying “don’t do it yourself, get it done professionally… I’m a professional I should know”. Doing it yourself will only f*ck things up. You run a HUGE risk of getting infections and you probably won’t even do it right so it probably won’t heal up properly. Seriously… leave that stuff for the professionals.

Answer #5

my bff got her nose done in my room I think it is safe enough. geez overexagerating much. I am mine done they both hurt the same amount so it isn’t THAT bad

Answer #6


The chances of rejection, migration, infection and wonky piercings are much higher if you do it yourself.

Professionals train for years to perfect the technique. No step by step guide will ensure a good healthy piercing.

Get it done professionally at a reputable salon. It doesn’t even cost that much. It’s only about £30.

Answer #7

Ummm you don’t. If you want a piercing, you go to a professional piercing place and have them do it.

Answer #8

fun advice me and I can tell you step for step how to…It’s better you get it professionally…Anything worth doing, is worth doing right! As much as I shouldn’t tell you someone probably will so I want you to know the best way to do it b/c I probably wont be able to change your mind about it…So fun advice me if you want :P

Answer #9

The pain shouldn’t even matter emopriness666… the bottom line is ALL piercings should be done PROFESSIONALLY. We’re not over-exagerating by telling them this. We’re telling the truth and TRYING to help them so they don’t end up f*cking things up and being like “damn… I so should of listened to those people… now I got infection and have to get it repierced when it heals…”.

Answer #10

I wouldn’t pierce it on your own. Your nose is one of the most important things of your body, and you don’t want to mess that up.

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