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Look around you… Then think about if you reeeally need to ask this.
Yes its normal.
From what I’ve been taught. The side of your brain that is more dominant (left or right) causes more blood flow on that side so one side of your body can be slightly larger, so one boob being a little bigger than the other is very normal, but one boob being twice the size of the other is definitely strange, you should go to the docter.
Actually it’s normal. All woman have difference in their breast sizes. It’s nothing to do with blood flow of your brain. We aren’t symmetric by nature. Yours are just more pronounced. It’s nothing to worry about, however it can cause embarrassment for some people, so you can discuss the possibilities of plastic surgery with your doctor if that is something that you feel you need. Alternatively you can get padded swimwear and bras which has one side more padded than the other.
Twice the size?
actually i never so that kind of thing , how they can’t be same size O-o
Yes, it’s not abnormal.
it is not normally the result of anything life-threatning but it is not heard of very offten. if you are insucure about it you can get the bigger one reduced or get and implant in the smaller one to even them out… other wise just go see your doctor to make sure everything is ok :) good luck!
Ya it’s normal my medical teacher said the left boob is usually bigger to protect your heart not in all women but she said most cases. And lol if there two different sizes like ones way bigger I don’t think that’s a problem just find a bra that fits the bigger one and stuff the other.
this really isnt helpful
My left boob is bigger than my right. My right is a full A cup and my left is close to a B. It’s hard to find a bra that looks right on me.
Its fairly normal, and quite common. Its not really known why it happens, but some studies have reported endocrine causes (hormones) or injury to the breast bud early in breast development. Sometimes there is a pathological reason for this, especially when the difference is especially pronounced, and these are most commonly treated with surgery.
mhhmmm…. i don’t think its normal you should go and see a doctor
Definitely normal. Everyone is bigger on one side..if it’s a huge difference, you could get a small implant on the smaller side or just pad that side. No big deal, no mater what!
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