Why doesnt my girl want to make love to me?

Why doesnt my girl want to make love to me?

Answer #1

Maybe you haven’t been dating long enough, or she isn’t comfortable enough with you yet. She might not trust that your relationship is strong enough at this point to make that kind of commitment, If she’s a virgin, she also might be afraid it will hurt. Just ask her about it, she’d be able to answer better than anyone here. =]

Answer #2

because she respects herself as a person. sex is a special thing and not many people understand how important it is to wait, but she’s doing the right thing. if it’s all you want, end it now cause you don’t deserve her.

Answer #3

Well she used to at the beginning and now its like once every 3weeks I dont know what happen I feel tricked. Im a very sexual person and now I need to go to the gym and read and keep my mind occupied in other things cause she will get mad if I bring it up. I think she just lost interest in me shes not attracrted to me as she was at the beginning maybe its cause I gained weight or she is with someone else who knows but you dont go from all over someone 1day and the next you dont even want to touch them I dont know

Answer #4

Well, maybe she’s starting to think that sex is all you care about, and she wants there to be more to your relationship than that. If thats the case, you need to prove to her that there’s more to your relationship than just having sex…

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