What are the best things to do at night?

{ its night on my side}

Answer #1

Play video games, read, watch tv, go on the computer?

Answer #2

I Like To Sit Out Side Read Write Poetry Sometimes Go On My Laptop And Spend Time With My Talk On The Phone:]

Answer #3

Hang with friends or sleep. If none of those are options, bust out a game or do hw (if not summer) or fill your head with useless knowledge or chores or try and surprise someone with something (my mom is most happy with a clean house).

Answer #4

Watch the Godfather.

Answer #5

Hmmm at night, well first I’m nocturnal lol I’m always full of energy at night lol so I clean! Go on my computer, read, download music, watch t.v, write songs or poetry, play video games… esp scary ones… it gives it a scarier effect at night lol. I bake & cook. I drive around and listen to music. I do food shopping at night cause everyone is sleeping.. so no lines!!!!! ha.

Answer #6

Sleep :)

Answer #7


Answer #8

SONGS a little like me lol

Answer #9

haha :)

Answer #10

Talk on my mobile with my best friend all night..the best thing for me…!!

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