Night or Day

Are you a night or day person?

Me,I’m a night,I function better at nigth plus during the day I don’t do much and I usually just lie around waiting for darkness,weird I know.

Answer #1

well, I wake up in a very good mood.. all hyper and happy.. every morning… RIGHT when I wake up.. but I’d have to say I like night time better.. I haven’t been to sleep yet and it’s 4:15 in the morning…

Answer #2

Night. I find it hard to function during the day. im still tired till like 6 or 7 at night.

so yea Night is my type of day :)


Answer #3

…my brain works better at night than during day time that massive destructions all around make me outburst and just enjoy watchin no-brainer tv shows…

Answer #4

Night. Im in a wayyy better mood at night & I just love the dark.

Answer #5

I’m a night person! I love nights! Day is pretty boring..

Answer #6

not weird for me… :-)

I call it eccentricity…


Answer #7


Answer #8

day day day=]

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