How can I find out when the porn was being looked at?

Someone has beeing veiwing porn on my computer and I would love to know the time the site was viewed so I have an indication who could have been next to my pc at that time. I have tried everything. IE history only soughts by day not by time visited. I cant find a cookies folder in my windows explorer either. It says I dont have acess to that folder. I went to privacy in internet options and have allowed all. Still windows explorer doesnt have a cookies folder. PLEASE HELP!

I think searching stuff like that on someones PC is disgusting I really want to know who it is.

Answer #1

stop using slow Explorer and down load apple safari it works on pc’s also just del the icon on your desk top your start up menu. you can always un del your icon from the recycle bin. safari can tell you when and what time in the history option

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