My step-brother mulested me last night

What should I do? And I cant tell my dad becasue he is finally happy. He is 15 and I am 14… I said no. This is not the first time I have been violated by someone. Just the first from him…,. I just want to feel ok again…

Answer #1

what should I do? and I cant tell my dad becasue he is finally happy.

Tell your dad… or do NOTHING… but if you don’t tell someone… it’ll probably just happen again.

Answer #2

You need to tell a well trusted adult. Or your parents. You say your dad is happy but I think he deserves to know if his daughter is being neglected by her step brother.

Answer #3

keep your distance, but dont purposely avoid him. he will think something is up, and he will do something about it. if you and your step-brother had a decent relationship before this incident, you can try talking to him. if not, talk to an adult you can trust and see what they think. if it doesnt stop, dont keep this to yourself

Answer #4


Answer #5

You need to talk to your Dad, this is not a situation that you can just keep to yourself. If he is willing to do it to you he may do it to others as well. Dont you think your Dad would want to know what is going on with his little girl. It would be more upsetting if he found out about it from someone else. Plus like someone else said above if he realy loves your step-mom this will not affect THEIR relationship.

Answer #6

tell a close relative or a counciler at sckool they will get it all worked ou and ps was the sex good?

Answer #7

woahh. thats creepy. stay as far away as possible from himm.

Answer #8

I don’t think he’s goingno do it again. I just… I’m shying away from my boyfriend and I love him. He is the only one I trust. And I can’t even tell him. I don’t want to be away from him and keep anything from him. I want to tell tell him.

Answer #9

threaten him and its the boys mother he loves isnt it? you cant just sit there getting raped to make your father happy

Answer #10

but it will ruin their relationship becasue he will drop everything for me [my 2 goals in life are to make my dad happy and to try to feel ok and show a happy medium.] becasue it is her son. I cant tell them. and I found out it was rape. because he fin.. me… but I just want to know what I should do to feel normal without hurtting other people.

Answer #11

tell someone who can help you like the police

Answer #12

Talk to your parents with your step brother there. There has got to be accountability in your household and Immediately is not soon enough. Young ladies should not be touched improperly by anyone. Please be able to forgive him and then make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Answer #13

you need to tell someone or report this, if not he will do it again, he will never learn plus you need some closure.

Answer #14

I understand your scared because your dad’s happy and you donnt want tu ruin tha family like being happy and in the end you think it will all fall on you and you don’t want to be the one that wrecked your family[lol] bt you gta tell someone,has he got any female friends you can go to,someone hu is a girl or close to,because if he can do that to u,he cud do it to someone else?. let me know if you tell sumone x

Answer #15

NO, tell a teacher, or talk to a friend. you can’t just do nothing. You should tell your dad, even though he his happy he deserves to know. And also if he is happy becuase of your step mom, this wouldn’t ruin his relationship with her.

Answer #16

sure… you’re “kinda” telling us here on funadvice about the situation… but what can we do if we don’t really “know” you… all we can do is give you advice!! not help you out of the situation!

sweetie!! you can not, not tell anyone about it!! - seek help ASAP! if you aren’t comfortable with telling your dad straight off… maybe tell your step mom or mom, if you have a good relationship with them… if not, talk to a teacher you trust or your guidance counselor!! you shouldn’t be touched and violated by anyone like that!! especially not your step brother!! - it’s your own body, and you have every right to speak up! you need to draw the line!! - and if you can’t do it yourself!! seek help now!

wish you all the best!! - and you can funmail me if you need anymore help!

Answer #17

I understand your scared because your dad’s happy and you donnt want tu ruin tha family like being happy and in the end you think it will all fall on you and you don’t want to be the one that wrecked your family[lol] bt you gta tell someone,has he got any female friends you can go to,someone hu is a girl or close to,because if he can do that to u,he cud do it to someone else?. let me know if you tell sumone x

Answer #18

I understand your scared because your dad’s happy and you donnt want tu ruin tha family like being happy and in the end you think it will all fall on you and you don’t want to be the one that wrecked your family[lol] bt you gta tell someone,has he got any female friends you can go to,someone hu is a girl or close to,because if he can do that to u,he cud do it to someone else?. let me know if you tell sumone x

Answer #19

Hon, you dont want to, but you’ve got to tell your dad, your dad might not be happy at the instant but he will be happy that you told him and because if you dont tell him and eventually he finds out, its gonna have the same resaults so just do it know so it can never happen again.

You’ve gotta do it hon

Answer #20

Dont tell any one justhave a good time with it.You know deep down you liked it.So just do it when ever you can with him

Answer #21

but im telling you.. kinda…

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