Who was managing the shop in the past?

Who were managing the shop in the past? Does the mall apply every thing that you need in life?……………help me…………. I want this informations. I meant how was the shopping in the past? and I want answers for these two questions.

Answer #1

the mall mainly has thing that we want and things we see on tv make us want it so the mall will get it so the mall does’nt 2 say have everything we need its just what we want

Answer #2


thanx for the help.


I know it’s better but I don’t think I have more time…next week is the last week for my project…n I need these informations.

Answer #3

Ah, btw - if you like, you can post your questions in Arabic, if that will make it easier for you. There are at least a dozen plus members on the site who speak arabic, and we won’t mind (but it might take you longer to get an answer).

Answer #4

I have NO idea what you are asking.

Can you rephrase or edit your question so we can help?

Answer #5


thanx a lot for replying… :)

Answer #6

it depends dubai used 2 live of fishing and in the past they didnt have dhs they were useing inian rupies

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