My parents are insane!

I am 15 years old and there is this guy I REALLY like. We’re not dateing or anything just more like long time friends with benifits. We rarely get to se each other and now he wants to hang out at my house. I am fine with this. But my parents are crazy and will never allow it. First of all, im not allowed to have a boyfriend until im 17. But, he isnt my boyfriend. Second of all, my parents always think that when I am with a boy I am automatically doing something bad. My mom is a strong catholic and my dad has once been a teenage boy so they both look down upon the idea. But I rellly want to hang out with him. I dontknow how to pose the question asking my parents to let me have friends who are boys over without them being in the same room the whole time. I just wish they would treat them like my friends who are girls. Does anyone have any ideas that could help?

Answer #1

ummm thats how you loose respect from guys and if they are getting anything you want from a chick.. whats the point of dating her??

im not much older then you!! but I do understand how a boys brain works when it comes to a girl and him!! its all black and white and theres no grey when you’re 17-18 you’ll understand im right if you dont then you most likely a skank!

Answer #2

I agree with mandyloo.. thats 10 times worse than dating a boy!!

there is no way they’ll let why dont you just listen to them??

Answer #3

I agree with mandy, maybe they look down aupon you because you do bad things with A guy your not even dating. How do you expect them to trust you if you have a friend you fool around with?

Answer #4


k I am also 15 and my parents are cool with guys but some of my friends have the same problem and I don’t know you just have to explain to them that you are getting older and that doesnt mean you wanta do bad stuff with guys you just want to hang out with your friends some of which are guys.

good luck!

Answer #5

Wow. If you were my daughter I would lock you in your room and never let you out.

Your not dating this guy, be you are sleeping with him. Now your asking us how to convince your parents to let your “friend with benefits” come over to your house. Why do you can sleep with him in your parents house? Completely disrespectful. They have every right to not let him come around. You are 15 years old and you have a friend with benefits. You really need to sit back and take a look at your life and what your doing wrong.

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