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My life is turining into fml history ..good advice needed :(

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kk this ones long im sorry for the inconvienienec but I have a ton of problems and they are all making me feel like im snapping in 2 I've probably asked questions about individual problems but theis one pretty much sums it all up.

I am feeling so damn fat. I am 14 years old and am 5.5 hieght wise. I weight 105 pounds. I think I look really fat. I am low scale wise but I look so fat. I used to be fat but lost a lot of weight. I dont think im anorexic but some people are telling me I am and some people are telling me im fat even htough they might be jking I dk . im confused and wrried and scared.

My parents hate me becuase im acting all rebellios. I dont meen to im just going through a whole lot of stuff. ( I have a lot on my head ) and am irratabe at times.

My grades are slippping like crap becuas im always wrrying how I look and im getting really careless.

the girl I like really likes me back but the problem is we barely talk and I cant ask her out until wve talked for at leats a week. problem is I never get a chance to talk with her even though I can tell she wants me too.

my hair is so skrewed up. I decided to do a feauxhawk and I need to know way to style it with gel. also wats a good way to comb it when its not spiked up so that it will be easier to spike up the next time. Any feauxhawk tips???

I don't know I just have a lot on my head and some oppinions awnsers and good advice would be deeply appreciated . thanks