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My laptop frequently hangs
My laptop always hang,in order to avoid that,I must moved/placed it in my lap.It also ask CHSDSK /disk checking everytime I open windows(im using windows xp).Prior from this,I’ve resorted to frequent reformatting because the windows shut downs abruptly and says ,I lose /corrupt a certain files.What pobably the caused of this?how could I fix this?Could anyone help me…thanks
appart from dong who seems to be just like his name suggests
check your hard disk drive maybe it has been damaged, what I can tell from your explenation is that the HDD is damaged (CHKDSK and corrupt files are a sign of HDD being broken) take it to a service station to have it properly checked, im not sure there is anything you can really do about it yourself
thanks,it help a lot(one person also confirmed that probably HDD was already damaged).
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