My for if you're bored survey...

So…Everyone else makes surveys so I decided I wanted to too.

  1. What is your first name?
  2. What is your middle name?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. What is your best friend’s name?
  5. Why did you join this website?
  6. What have you done today?
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? Lunch? Dinner?
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice?
  9. What is your favorite type of music?
  10. What is your least favorite type of music?
  11. What is your least favorite color?
  12. What are you wearing right now? (Puh-leez be mature)
  13. What is your favorite number?
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz?
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? It’s sooo much fun!
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist?
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones?
  18. How many siblings do you have?
  19. Do you have any pets?
  20. If so, what kind?
  21. What is your favorite fruit?
  22. What is your favorite vegetable?
  23. What religion are you, if any?
  24. What is your favorite time of day?
  25. What is your favorite song?
  26. What is your favorite website?
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go?
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet?
  29. What is your favorite movie?
  30. Who is your favorite actor?
  31. Who is your favorite actress?
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get?
  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read)
  34. What is your favorite holiday?
  35. What do you want for Christmas?
  36. What’s the weather like?
  37. How are you feeling?
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now?
  39. Who is your idol?
  40. Who do you wish you looked like?
  41. What time do you normally go to bed?
  42. How much sleep do you normally get?
  43. What time is it?
  44. Where do you live?
  45. Where were you born?
  46. Do you wish you had an accent?
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind?
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool?
  49. Are you married?
  50. Can you sing?
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd?
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called?
  53. Can you dance?
  54. Can you dance WELL?
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today?
  56. Do you like being human?
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why?
  58. Have you ever had a disease?
  59. How’s your love life?
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
  61. What is your greatest fear?
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name?
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy?
  64. Do you like Long or short hair?
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes?

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? Brother or sister? Life or death? Shoes or not? Converse or Skechers? Rainy or sunny? Home or away from home? Bed or couch? Ipod or MP3/MP4? Study or hang out? Eat or drink? Cry or laugh? Smile or frown? Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? Movies or music? Wal-mart or Kroger? Computer or Tv? Dog or cat? Up or Down? Left or right? Jumping, skipping, or running? Sit or stand? Football or Soccer? Cheerleading or Marching Band? Twilight or High School Musical? Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? Taken or single? Gummy bears or gummy worms? Skittles or m&ms? Your mom or your face jokes? Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? Movie or dinner date? Paint or wallpaper? My survey or somebody else’s?

How long do you think it took me to make this survey? Are you bored? Good. Now get off your butt and go do something. Did you like my incredibly long & personal survey? Lol…

Answer #1
  1. What is your first name? Jamiee
  2. What is your middle name? Shaylee
  3. What is your favorite color? Green
  4. What is your best friend’s name? Ali
  5. Why did you join this website? I wanted a question answered…
  6. What have you done today? Went to Blooms and bought ice cream…
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning?N/A Lunch? N/A Dinner? ice cream
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? Like 5 maybe?
  9. What is your favorite type of music? Pop, Hiphop,R&b and Rap
  10. What is your least favorite type of music? heavy metal, and country kills me!
  11. What is your least favorite color? brown
  12. What are you wearing right now? (Puh-leez be mature) blue Paul frank sleepshorts, and red tanktop
  13. What is your favorite number? 5
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? no
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? —
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? Rihanna,Beyonce.
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? NO
  18. How many siblings do you have? 2
  19. Do you have any pets? Yup
  20. If so, what kind? 2 dogs,1 cat
  21. What is your favorite fruit? Green grapes
  22. What is your favorite vegetable? Carrots(Cold)or cucumbers
  23. What religion are you, if any? im a christian
  24. What is your favorite time of day? when im asleep:p
  25. What is your favorite song? dont really have one
  26. What is your favorite website? a social site
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? Italy
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet? Mao Asada
  29. What is your favorite movie? Twilight
  30. Who is your favorite actor? Taylor lautner
  31. Who is your favorite actress? Jessica Alba
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get? convertible!!
  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read) Twilight sagas, the clique novels
  34. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas.
  35. What do you want for Christmas? a ticket booked to stockholm, sweden, I WANNA GO HOME!!!
  36. What’s the weather like? kinda cold
  37. How are you feeling? very very tired
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? sleeping
  39. Who is your idol? mao asada, sis
  40. Who do you wish you looked like? Adriana Lima
  41. What time do you normally go to bed? 12
  42. How much sleep do you normally get? 8-14 hrs yeaah
  43. What time is it? 2:17 AM
  44. Where do you live? CA
  45. Where were you born? Stockholm, Sweden
  46. Do you wish you had an accent? I do=/ and I hate it, you cant really tell tho, it got better:)
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind? scandinavian
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? Yeah!!!
  49. Are you married? Nope…
  50. Can you sing? I’ve been told I can…
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? yup
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? nope
  53. Can you dance? yeah
  54. Can you dance WELL? Not really, like normal people ig.
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? no, its only 2:20 am:p
  56. Do you like being human? HELL YES
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? A dog or a dolphin, a dog because they get so much love and a dolphin because they are awesome and I would be so free
  58. Have you ever had a disease? asthma
  59. How’s your love life? Not in a relationship
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? mind reading
  61. What is your greatest fear? snakes and heights
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? Austin
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? Girl
  64. Do you like Long or short hair? medium
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes? Blondes and brunettes

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? both Brother or sister? Sister Life or death? LIFE Shoes or not? Shoes Converse or Skechers? Converse Rainy or sunny? Sunny Home or away from home? depends Bed or couch? Bed Ipod or MP3/MP4? ipod Study or hang out? Hang out Eat or drink? Drink Cry or laugh? Laugh Smile or frown? smile! =) Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? Prep Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? zac efron Movies or music? both Wal-mart or Kroger? Wal-mart Computer or Tv? Computer Dog or cat? Dog Up or Down? up Left or right? right Jumping, skipping, or running? Jumping Sit or stand? Sit Football or Soccer? soccer! Cheerleading or Marching Band? CHEERLEADING!!! GO EAGLES! Twilight or High School Musical? Twilight Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? Micheal Jackson Taken or single? taken Gummy bears or gummy worms? Bears Skittles or mms? mms Your mom or your face jokes? Your mom Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? Pick-up lines all the way!!! Movie or dinner date? Dinner Paint or wallpaper? Paint My survey or somebody else’s? somebody elses

How long do you think it took me to make this survey? Bout an hour Are you bored? very Good. Now get off your butt and go do something. Did you like my incredibly long personal survey? ahah yeahhh

-Jamiee S.-

Answer #2
  1. What is your first name? Megan.
  2. What is your middle name? Sarah.
  3. What is your favorite color? Purple.
  4. What is your best friend’s name? Ngawari.
  5. Why did you join this website? because I was looking for WWE surveys, and I found one on here.
  6. What have you done today? Nothing. I had a migraine last night, and I don’t want it to come back so I’m taking it easy.
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? I didn’t eat breakfast. Lunch? Peanut butter sandwiches & chicken noodle soup. Dinner? Haven’t had dinner yet.
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? This is my second one xD
  9. What is your favorite type of music? Pop & J-pop.
  10. What is your least favorite type of music? Country & screamo.
  11. What is your least favorite color? Pink.
  12. What are you wearing right now? Cargo trousers & purple top.
  13. What is your favorite number? 13.
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? Nope.
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? It’s sooo much fun! —
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? Girls Aloud/Ayumi Hamasaki.
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? Nope.
  18. How many siblings do you have? None.
  19. Do you have any pets? Nope.
  20. If so, what kind? —
  21. What is your favorite fruit? Grapes.
  22. What is your favorite vegetable? Potato.
  23. What religion are you, if any? Atheist.
  24. What is your favorite time of day? Afternoon & evening.
  25. What is your favorite song? Crowded House - “Don’t Dream It’s Over” <3
  26. What is your favorite website? LastFM.
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? The USA.
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet? John Cena.
  29. What is your favorite movie? 12 Rounds & 2012.
  30. Who is your favorite actor? Johnny Depp.
  31. Who is your favorite actress? Sandra Bullock.
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get? Dodge Viper.
  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read) Weather Warden series <3
  34. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas.
  35. What do you want for Christmas? Money, WWE stuff, clothes.
  36. What’s the weather like? Sunny and warm.
  37. How are you feeling? Pretty good, but hoping my migarine doesn’t come back.
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? Watching WWE live.
  39. Who is your idol? John Cena.
  40. Who do you wish you looked like? I’m fine how I am.
  41. What time do you normally go to bed? 1 - 2am.
  42. How much sleep do you normally get? 8 or 9 hours.
  43. What time is it? 2:59pm.
  44. Where do you live? Auckland, NZ.
  45. Where were you born? Auckland, NZ.
  46. Do you wish you had an accent? I do have an accent.
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind? Kiwi accent.
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? Not really, I’m from NZ so they’re our rivals xDDD
  49. Are you married? Nope.
  50. Can you sing? Not really.
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? Nope.
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? Nope.
  53. Can you dance? I’m alright.
  54. Can you dance WELL? ^^^
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? Yup, this morning.
  56. Do you like being human? Yup.
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? Cat, because they have easy lives.
  58. Have you ever had a disease? Nope.
  59. How’s your love life? Pretty crappy.
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? To be able to fly.
  61. What is your greatest fear? Spiders.
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? John LOL.
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? Girl.
  64. Do you like Long or short hair? Both.
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes? Blondes, because I’m one.

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? Both, I can’t pick. Brother or sister? I don’t have either, so none. Life or death? Life. Shoes or not? Shoes. Converse or Skechers? Converse. Rainy or sunny? Sunny. Home or away from home? Home. Bed or couch? Bed. Ipod or MP3/MP4? MP3, because I hardly use my iPod. Study or hang out? Hang out lol. Eat or drink? Eat. Cry or laugh? Laugh. Smile or frown? Smile. Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? None of the above. Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? Neither, thank you o_O Movies or music? Music. Wal-mart or Kroger? ??? Computer or Tv? PC. Dog or cat? Cat. Up or Down? Down. Left or right? Left. Jumping, skipping, or running? Skipping xD Sit or stand? Sit. Football or Soccer? Soccer, but over here we call it football (I assume the football you mean is American Football…) Cheerleading or Marching Band? shrugs Twilight or High School Musical? NEITHER. Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? Michael J. Taken or single? Single. Gummy bears or gummy worms? Bears. Skittles or mms? M&Ms. Your mom or your face jokes? Your mum xD Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? Sweet talking. Movie or dinner date? Dinner. Paint or wallpaper? Paint. My survey or somebody else’s? Both :P

How long do you think it took me to make this survey? shrugs Are you bored? Yup. Good. Now get off your butt and go do something. NO! :P Did you like my incredibly long personal survey? Yup.

Answer #3
  1. What is your first name? Andy
  2. What is your middle name? T.
  3. What is your favorite color? orange
  4. What is your best friend’s name? Joe
  5. Why did you join this website? cus I needed help, and didn’t want to ask anyone I knew
  6. What have you done today? went to school.. got a good mark in a english paper, and its 3 days til I leave!
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? cereal and some wholegrain toast Lunch? sandwich Dinner? lasagne
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? about 3?
  9. What is your favorite type of music? dance RnB
  10. What is your least favorite type of music? hard heavy metal
  11. What is your least favorite color? pink lol
  12. What are you wearing right now? (Puh-leez be mature) hoody, jeans, trainers, boxers, socks, tshirt. the usual lol
  13. What is your favorite number? 9
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? no
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? It’s sooo much fun! didnt do it lol
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? joshua radin, chris brown, wigan pier and dance compilations
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? guitar and drums
  18. How many siblings do you have? 3
  19. Do you have any pets? yeah
  20. If so, what kind? 3 dogs and 2 cats
  21. What is your favorite fruit? apple juice!! nah… tinned peaches!
  22. What is your favorite vegetable? uh… carrots
  23. What religion are you, if any? catholic
  24. What is your favorite time of day? evening, or night time on a night out
  25. What is your favorite song? joshua radin - I’d rather be with you
  26. What is your favorite website? a social site or here
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? a raving place with me 3 mates
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet? dale. (my mate from on here). well, meet him in person
  29. What is your favorite movie? the pacific. a 10 part series of a time in WW2
  30. Who is your favorite actor? josh hartnet
  31. Who is your favorite actress? duno.
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get? a BMW, but a very nice, classy 1
  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read) the darwin awards or forrest griffins autobiography : got fight?
  34. What is your favorite holiday? summer or october
  35. What do you want for Christmas? uh… I dunno. PS3 games, things I could do with that I cant afford
  36. What’s the weather like? terrible
  37. How are you feeling? down and ok
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? out with the lads and ladys
  39. Who is your idol? my grandad
  40. Who do you wish you looked like? no1
  41. What time do you normally go to bed? 11- 11.30 pm
  42. How much sleep do you normally get? 8 and a bit hours normally
  43. What time is it? 8.15pm
  44. Where do you live? Scotland
  45. Where were you born? scotland
  46. Do you wish you had an accent? I do have an accent. and most people wish they had it =P
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind? a mix of scottish, orcaidan and a tad of irish
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? yeah, I supose
  49. Are you married? no
  50. Can you sing? not really, only do so when im playing my guitar
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? no
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? yeah, sandays soond
  53. Can you dance? yeah
  54. Can you dance WELL? yeah, supose
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? no, but will do later
  56. Do you like being human? yeah
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? I duno
  58. Have you ever had a disease? I have IBS?
  59. How’s your love life? LONELY
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? strength
  61. What is your greatest fear? not acomplishing everything I hope to. being a failure. death
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? dont have any of the above
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? gess =P haha
  64. Do you like Long or short hair? on me, short
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes? brunettes

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? dad Brother or sister? bro Life or death? life Shoes or not? trainers! Converse or Skechers? converse Rainy or sunny? sunny all the way! Home or away from home? home with friends, away with friends Bed or couch? bed on own, couch with people Ipod or MP3/MP4? ipod! Study or hang out? hang out Eat or drink? drink Cry or laugh? laugh Smile or frown? smile Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? jock Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? neither, there both numptys! Movies or music? movies Wal-mart or Kroger? ?? Computer or Tv? both Dog or cat? both Up or Down? up Left or right? left Jumping, skipping, or running? jumping Sit or stand? sit Football or Soccer? football Cheerleading or Marching Band? neither Twilight or High School Musical? neither Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? elvis Taken or single? single Gummy bears or gummy worms? worms Skittles or mms? skittles Your mom or your face jokes? yeah Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? have you got a keg in your pants? cus I’d like to tap that! Movie or dinner date? dinner Paint or wallpaper? paint My survey or somebody else’s? yours!

How long do you think it took me to make this survey? an hour? Are you bored? kinda Good. Now get off your butt and go do something. ok Did you like my incredibly long personal survey? yeah

Answer #4
  1. What is your first name? kym
  2. What is your middle name? ann
  3. What is your favorite color? black red purple
  4. What is your best friend’s name? Melissa
  5. Why did you join this website? I wanted to post questions
  6. What have you done today? uhh cry
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? nothing Lunch? a piece of pancake which stressed though the day Dinner? a piece of meat
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? god who knows
  9. What is your favorite type of music? rap..90s rap
  10. What is your least favorite type of music? folk
  11. What is your least favorite color? brown
  12. What are you wearing right now? (Puh-leez be mature) big black t-shirt and panties
  13. What is your favorite number? 7
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? nope
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? It’s sooo much fun! nope sorry
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? type o negative
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? the violin
  18. How many siblings do you have? not ones who live with me or really known
  19. Do you have any pets? yup
  20. If so, what kind? boxer and 2 cats
  21. What is your favorite fruit? cherries
  22. What is your favorite vegetable? broccoli
  23. What religion are you, if any? catholic
  24. What is your favorite time of day? mid night
  25. What is your favorite song? tears on my pillow
  26. What is your favorite website? youtube
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? italy
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet?jolie?
  29. What is your favorite movie? original sin
  30. Who is your favorite actor? marky mark
  31. Who is your favorite actress? angelina jolie
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get? red cherry porsha
  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read) revolutionary road
  34. What is your favorite holiday? christmas
  35. What do you want for Christmas? ipod touch
  36. What’s the weather like? HOT
  37. How are you feeling? depressed
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? sleeping
  39. Who is your idol? I have no idea
  40. Who do you wish you looked like? eva longoria
  41. What time do you normally go to bed? 3 or when ever
  42. How much sleep do you normally get? not that much
  43. What time is it? 2:23 am
  44. Where do you live? Co
  45. Where were you born? lareado
  46. Do you wish you had an accent? british yes
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind? goes in and out mexican
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? they iiight they cool
  49. Are you married? hell no
  50. Can you sing? not sure
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? yup
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? just me
  53. Can you dance? when alone ya
  54. Can you dance WELL? hmm I don know
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? no
  56. Do you like being human? ya its okay
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? white tiger, they’re gorgeous
  58. Have you ever had a disease? not that I know of
  59. How’s your love life? falling apart
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? read minds
  61. What is your greatest fear? doing nothing with my life
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? nick
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? girl
  64. Do you like Long or short hair? they both hot
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes? on guys they both cute

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? mom Brother or sister? 0 Life or death? dont know what death feels like so um life Shoes or not? in the sand no shoes Converse or Skechers? converse Rainy or sunny? rainy Home or away from home? depends where home is Bed or couch? bed Ipod or MP3/MP4? ipod Study or hang out? hang out Eat or drink? drink Cry or laugh? laugh Smile or frown? smile Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? emo to the emotions (im a girl they every where) nerd to personality
Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? ya who? Movies or music? can I pick both? movies Wal-mart or Kroger? wal-mart Computer or Tv? computer Dog or cat? love em both Up or Down? up Left or right? right Jumping, skipping, or running? running Sit or stand? sit to much energy to stand Football or Soccer? soccer Cheerleading or Marching Band? cheer Twilight or High School Musical? ya no Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? michael his dances are better then elvis’s Taken or single? I guess I would say single Gummy bears or gummy worms? bears! Skittles or mms? skittles Your mom or your face jokes? your mom Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? sweet talking Movie or dinner date? movie Paint or wallpaper? paint My survey or somebody else’s? yours

How long do you think it took me to make this survey? a few days? Are you bored? yes Good. Now get off your butt and go do something. its 2 am not much to do Did you like my incredibly long personal survey? I do Lol…

Answer #5
  1. What is your first name? Angel
  2. What is your middle name? Marie
  3. What is your favorite color? pink w/ plack
  4. What is your best friend’s name? Tyler
  5. Why did you join this website? Yahoo booted me
  6. What have you done today? shower
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? nothin Lunch? nothin Dinner? sandwitch
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? I don’t know
  9. What is your favorite type of music? all but rap
  10. What is your least favorite type of music? rap
  11. What is your least favorite color? green
  12. What are you wearing right now? (Puh-leez be mature) jamies
  13. What is your favorite number? whatevah age I am
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? dont remember
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? It’s sooo much fun!
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? 3oh3
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? singing
  18. How many siblings do you have? 0
  19. Do you have any pets? yes
  20. If so, what kind? 2 cats 1 dog
  21. What is your favorite fruit? strawberry
  22. What is your favorite vegetable? celery
  23. What religion are you, if any? Cristian - spiritual
  24. What is your favorite time of day? after sckool
  25. What is your favorite song? untouched
  26. What is your favorite website? whirled
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? hawaii
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet? miley
  29. What is your favorite movie? shark boy and lava girl (lol kid at heart)
  30. Who is your favorite actor? taylor lautner
  31. Who is your favorite actress? miley cyrus
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get? pick up
  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read) fable heaven
  34. What is your favorite holiday? chritmas
  35. What do you want for Christmas? dsi
  36. What’s the weather like? rainy calm hot
  37. How are you feeling? tired
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? sleeping
  39. Who is your idol? mom
  40. Who do you wish you looked like? me but w/ shakira’s stomach
  41. What time do you normally go to bed? whenever I want
  42. How much sleep do you normally get? I don’t know
  43. What time is it? 2:04 am
  44. Where do you live? Utah
  45. Where were you born? Utah
  46. Do you wish you had an accent? kinda but I have kinda an accent
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind? western but mostly none just a hint
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? ya
  49. Are you married? no
  50. Can you sing? YES
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? Class in 4th
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? not in one
  53. Can you dance? little
  54. Can you dance WELL? kinda
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? yes
  56. Do you like being human? yes
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? some kinda cat. I like em,
  58. Have you ever had a disease?…no…flu count
  59. How’s your love life? good…kinda…
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? all of them
  61. What is your greatest fear? a lot!
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? tyler
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? girl
  64. Do you like Long or short hair? both depends
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes? both

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? mom Brother or sister? both Life or death? life Shoes or not? shoes Converse or Skechers? sketchers Rainy or sunny? rainy Home or away from home? home Bed or couch? bed Ipod or MP3/MP4? mp3 Study or hang out? hang out Eat or drink? drink Cry or laugh? laugh Smile or frown? smile Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? depends Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? neither! UGH Movies or music? music Wal-mart or Kroger? wal mart Computer or Tv? compuer Dog or cat? cat Up or Down? what? Left or right? what? Jumping, skipping, or running? skipping! Sit or stand? sit Football or Soccer? football Cheerleading or Marching Band? chearleading Twilight or High School Musical? twilight Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? elvis Taken or single? wanted by many,taken by none,looking at some,waitin for one Gummy bears or gummy worms? gummy worms Skittles or mms? both Your mom or your face jokes? yo moma Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? sweet talking Movie or dinner date? dinner then movie Paint or wallpaper? both My survey or somebody else’s? urs~

Answer #6
  1. What is your first name? Allison
  2. What is your middle name? Babbette
  3. What is your favorite color? Purplr
  4. What is your best friend’s name? Sarah
  5. Why did you join this website? It’s really cool
  6. What have you done today? ?
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? A ceral bar Lunch? Pizza Dinner? Steak
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? A lot
  9. What is your favorite type of music? Pop or rock and roll
  10. What is your least favorite type of music? Country or rap
  11. What is your least favorite color? hot pink
  12. What are you wearing right now? (Puh-leez be mature) T-shirt and jeans
  13. What is your favorite number? 19
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? yeah
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? It’s sooo much fun! No I didn’t win.I got bored.
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? I don’t know
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? Piano and the clarinet
  18. How many siblings do you have? two
  19. Do you have any pets? No
  20. If so, what kind? Don’t have any.
  21. What is your favorite fruit?
  22. What is your favorite vegetable? Potato
  23. What religion are you, if any? None
  24. What is your favorite time of day? Late night.
  25. What is your favorite song? I don’t know
  26. What is your favorite website? youtube
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? Italy
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet? President
  29. What is your favorite movie? Mean girls
  30. Who is your favorite actor? I don’t know
  31. Who is your favorite actress? I don’t know
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get? Mustang Gt
  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read) Hard choice!
  34. What is your favorite holiday? Halloween
  35. What do you want for Christmas? ipod touch,instlyer,Jb cd’s
  36. What’s the weather like? Cool.(Chilly.)
  37. How are you feeling? Tired.
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? Swiiming
  39. Who is your idol? Slelna Gomez
  40. Who do you wish you looked like? My bff
  41. What time do you normally go to bed? 10:30
  42. How much sleep do you normally get? 6-7 hours.
  43. What time is it? 11:30pm exactly now.
  44. Where do you live? Ohio
  45. Where were you born? Clevland,Ohio
  46. Do you wish you had an accent? YEAH!!!
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind? Texan
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? Yeah!
  49. Are you married? NO!!!
  50. Can you sing? Kind of.
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? No.
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? No.
  53. Can you dance? Yeah.
  54. Can you dance WELL? Kind of.
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? No(have to take one in the morning.)
  56. Do you like being human?… ?
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? Tiger,so beautiful and graceful!
  58. Have you ever had a disease? No.
  59. How’s your love life? …?
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? To fly
  61. What is your greatest fear? death
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? …
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? Girl
  64. Do you like Long or short hair? Long
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes?Blondes

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? mom! Brother or sister? Sister Life or death? LIFE Shoes or not? Shoes Converse or Skechers? Converse Rainy or sunny? Sunny Home or away from home? Away. Bed or couch? Bad Ipod or MP3/MP4? ipod Study or hang out? Hang out Eat or drink? Drink Cry or laugh? Laugh Smile or frown? Smile Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? Nerds rule! Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? Zac Efron Movies or music? Music Wal-mart or Kroger? Wal-mart Computer or Tv? Computer Dog or cat? Cat Up or Down? Up Left or right? Left Jumping, skipping, or running? Running Sit or stand? Sit Football or Soccer? Soccer Cheerleading or Marching Band? Cheerleading Twilight or High School Musical? Twilight Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? Presley. Taken or single? Single Gummy bears or gummy worms? Worms Skittles or mms? Mm’s Your mom or your face jokes? your face Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? Sweet-talk Movie or dinner date? Movie Paint or wallpaper? Wallpaper,you can take it off when you get sick of it and change it. My survey or somebody else’s?IDC!

How long do you think it took me to make this survey? I don’t know Are you bored? Been bored! Good. Now get off your butt and go do something. Did you like my incredibly long personal survey? Too long man!!!

Goodnight!Too long!=)

Answer #7
  1. What is your first name? Tonia
  2. What is your middle name? Marie
  3. What is your favorite color? Purple
  4. What is your best friend’s name? Dont have one
  5. Why did you join this website? For advice lol duh
  6. What have you done today? school work, chill, babysit
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? bagel Lunch? english muffin pizzas and a bunch of otha stuff Dinner? chickennn
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? I dont know
  9. What is your favorite type of music? hip hop
  10. What is your least favorite type of music? metal
  11. What is your least favorite color? red
  12. What are you wearing right now? (Puh-leez be mature) black pants and a tee shirt
  13. What is your favorite number? 19
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? no
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? It’s sooo much fun! nono
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? Lil Wayne
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? no
  18. How many siblings do you have? 1
  19. Do you have any pets? yea
  20. If so, what kind? kitty’s
  21. What is your favorite fruit? banana
  22. What is your favorite vegetable? lettuce
  23. What religion are you, if any? I dont believe in it
  24. What is your favorite time of day? mornin
  25. What is your favorite song? um it changes
  26. What is your favorite website? dont go online a lot
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? anywhere butt here lmfao
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet? alicia keys
  29. What is your favorite movie? a walk to remember
  30. Who is your favorite actor? adam sandler
  31. Who is your favorite actress? jessica alba
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get? maxima
  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read) Candy
  34. What is your favorite holiday? christmas
  35. What do you want for Christmas? $$$
  36. What’s the weather like? chilly tonight
  37. How are you feeling? okay
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? drivin
  39. Who is your idol? alicia keys
  40. Who do you wish you looked like? no body
  41. What time do you normally go to bed? like 10
  42. How much sleep do you normally get? 8-9 hrs
  43. What time is it? 845
  44. Where do you live? my house
  45. Where were you born? hosppital
  46. Do you wish you had an accent? nahh I sound cute
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind? boston accent
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? sure
  49. Are you married? oh ya
  50. Can you sing? yeah
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? yea
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? no no
  53. Can you dance? yea
  54. Can you dance WELL? okay haha
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? yea
  56. Do you like being human? sure
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? bird cus I could fly
  58. Have you ever had a disease? no
  59. How’s your love life? doin me!
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? to get what I want
  61. What is your greatest fear? diein
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? not interested
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? girl
  64. Do you like Long or short hair? long
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes? brunettes

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? mom Brother or sister? sister Life or death? life Shoes or not? not Converse or Skechers? none Rainy or sunny? sunny Home or away from home? home Bed or couch? bed Ipod or MP3/MP4? mp3 Study or hang out? hang out Eat or drink? eat Cry or laugh? laugh Smile or frown? smile Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? nerd Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? ew Movies or music? music Wal-mart or Kroger? walmart cus I don’t know what kroger is Computer or Tv? tv Dog or cat? cAT Up or Down? up Left or right? right Jumping, skipping, or running? skippin Sit or stand? sit Football or Soccer? football Cheerleading or Marching Band? none Twilight or High School Musical? twilight Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? elvis Taken or single? single Gummy bears or gummy worms? gummy bears Skittles or m&ms? m&ms Your mom or your face jokes? your mom Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? hahaha pick up lines Movie or dinner date? dinner cus imma fat a*s haha Paint or wallpaper? paint My survey or somebody else’s? Sure

How long do you think it took me to make this survey? 20-30 mins Are you bored? ya Good. Now get off your butt and go do something. Did you like my incredibly long & personal survey? sure it coulda been longer

Answer #8
  1. What is your first name? Elly

  2. What is your middle name? Rose

  3. What is your favorite color? Purple

  4. What is your best friend’s name? Passs

  5. Why did you join this website? bored

  6. What have you done today? pretty much nothing :P

  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? cereal Lunch? sandwich Dinner? chicken pie

  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? first oneee

  9. What is your favorite type of music? Rockk

  10. What is your least favorite type of music? Heavy metal

  11. What is your least favorite color? brown - dull and boring

  12. What are you wearing right now? (Puh-leez be mature) pj’s hehe

  13. What is your favorite number? 26

  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? no what is it?

  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? It’s sooo much fun!

  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? too many to decide

  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? nada

  18. How many siblings do you have?

  19. Do you have any pets? yep doggy

  20. If so, what kind? labrador

  21. What is your favorite fruit? strawberries

  22. What is your favorite vegetable? carrot

  23. What religion are you, if any? none

  24. What is your favorite time of day?

  25. What is your favorite song? 16:00

  26. What is your favorite website? this opne of course (what else am I meant to say?)

  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? home

  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet?

  29. What is your favorite movie? none

  30. Who is your favorite actor? none

  31. Who is your favorite actress? none

  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get? not that kinda girl :P

  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read) twilight series - I knooowww.

  34. What is your favorite holiday? Auzzie

  35. What do you want for Christmas? phone

  36. What’s the weather like? alright

  37. How are you feeling? sniffle

  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? sleeping

  39. Who is your idol? none

  40. Who do you wish you looked like? myself

  41. What time do you normally go to bed? 22:00

  42. How much sleep do you normally get? 9 hours

  43. What time is it? 19:55 exactly

  44. Where do you live? not saying

  45. Where were you born? ippy

  46. Do you wish you had an accent? no

  47. If you do have an accent, what kind? none

  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? yh got family there

  49. Are you married? nada

  50. Can you sing? sort of if I had prctise

  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? nope

  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? na

  53. Can you dance? yh anyne can

  54. Can you dance WELL? alright ish

  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? yep 2

  56. Do you like being human? of course…

  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why?

  58. Have you ever had a disease?

  59. How’s your love life? good nothing special though

  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

  61. What is your greatest fear?

  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? intials count? SR

  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? girl

  64. Do you like Long or short hair? lonnggg

  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes? what about reds?

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? Brother or sister? Life or death? lifee?! Shoes or not? not :P Converse or Skechers? converse Rainy or sunny? sun Home or away from home? homee Bed or couch? couch Ipod or MP3/MP4? ipod Study or hang out? same time count? Eat or drink? eat Cry or laugh? cry Smile or frown? smile Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? jock Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? Rob P Movies or music? music Wal-mart or Kroger? not american Computer or Tv? TV Dog or cat? dogy Up or Down? up Left or right? left Jumping, skipping, or running? Sit or stand? Football or Soccer? Cheerleading or Marching Band? Twilight or High School Musical? Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? Taken or single? Gummy bears or gummy worms? Skittles or mms? Your mom or your face jokes? Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? Movie or dinner date? Paint or wallpaper? My survey or somebody else’s?

How long do you think it took me to make this survey? Are you bored? Good. Now get off your butt and go do something. Did you like my incredibly long personal survey?

Answer #9
  1. What is your first name? melissa
  2. What is your middle name? jade
  3. What is your favorite color? p!nk/liime green
  4. What is your best friend’s name? megan
  5. Why did you join this website? duno oh I didnt know what to do for my party hehe :P
  6. What have you done today? school (yawn)
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? umm nothing Lunch? ahh jucie Dinner? peaz taties and curried saussagez!!
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? mmmh ??
  9. What is your favorite type of music? awsome stuff…
  10. What is your least favorite type of music? oprah
  11. What is your least favorite color? red
  12. What are you wearing right now? (Puh-leez be mature) phat pantz nnd a top!
  13. What is your favorite number? 9
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? yees haha
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? It’s sooo much fun! I didnt grr impossable daah
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? uhmm taylor swift
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? recorder hehe I dont any more tho
  18. How many siblings do you have? 6!
  19. Do you have any pets? fish !
  20. If so, what kind? —^
  21. What is your favorite fruit? watermelon yuum
  22. What is your favorite vegetable? yamz
  23. What religion are you, if any? ahh no
  24. What is your favorite time of day? anytime I get to spend having fun haha
  25. What is your favorite song? umm I gotta lot
  26. What is your favorite website? bebo?
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? rome!!!
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet? cody simpson haha
  29. What is your favorite movie? a walk to remember
  30. Who is your favorite actor? uhmm I don’t know
  31. Who is your favorite actress? ???
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get? trimph spitfire-itz a car nota plan
  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read) —comming back the first book I’ve finished hehe
  34. What is your favorite holiday? summer!!! x-mas
  35. What do you want for Christmas? a lot ummm vacation!
  36. What’s the weather like? cold!! raining
  37. How are you feeling? tired I guess hehe happy
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? with a certain sum wun
  39. Who is your idol? hilary duff…I dont have wun
  40. Who do you wish you looked like? umm no wun
  41. What time do you normally go to bed? when ev depends on tirdness
  42. How much sleep do you normally get? 5-7 hours
  43. What time is it? 9.20pm
  44. Where do you live? invercargill new zealand
  45. Where were you born? q hospital
  46. Do you wish you had an accent? I do . . . well to the ozzyz I do
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind? umm amercain
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? pffft nah yeah pretty alrite
  49. Are you married? yeah nah!!
  50. Can you sing? mmhm no
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? yus!
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? I wish
  53. Can you dance? yuhp
  54. Can you dance WELL? yuhp
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? yuhp
  56. Do you like being human? noo I like being a animal daah
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? umm angel w8 that nota animal I don’t know?
  58. Have you ever had a disease? huh?? naut that I know ov
  59. How’s your love life? pwtti ok I want a man hehe
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? know what people are thinking
  61. What is your greatest fear? waah umm spiders!!
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? michael–crush
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? chkkii!!!
  64. Do you like Long or short hair? mid ona guy long on meh hehe
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes?any

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? mum Brother or sister? bro Life or death? life Shoes or not? shoes Converse or Skechers? ahhum any Rainy or sunny? sunny!!! Home or away from home? home I like my bed haha Bed or couch? bed Ipod or MP3/MP4? mp3 Study or hang out? hang out I like 6 weeks behind in homework haha Eat or drink? both Cry or laugh? laugh Smile or frown? smile whats frown? Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? pfft wht the hayho umm normal Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? aww zac Movies or music? music Wal-mart or Kroger? neva herd ov them Computer or Tv? computa Dog or cat? dog Up or Down? up then down haha Left or right? rite Jumping, skipping, or running? running Sit or stand? stand Football or Soccer?soccer Cheerleading or Marching Band? cheer Twilight or High School Musical? nun awwha yeea nun Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? elvis Taken or single? single I want to b taken!! Gummy bears or gummy worms? bears Skittles or mms? skittles Your mom or your face jokes? wahho havnt herd thoz in agez umm I don’t know Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? pick up Movie or dinner date? movie Paint or wallpaper? wallpaper My survey or somebody else’s? elses

How long do you think it took me to make this survey? aggez!!! Are you bored? nahh yeeah no sorta Good. Now get off your butt and go do something. Did you like my incredibly long personal survey?nah it weird yeh I did it cool

Answer #10
  1. What is your first name? Julia
  2. What is your middle name? teresa
  3. What is your favorite color? greennn
  4. What is your best friend’s name? jen
  5. Why did you join this website? to get advice duhhh :x
  6. What have you done today? gone to summer school
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? nada Lunch? nada Dinner? didnt eat yet :x
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? this is my first one
  9. What is your favorite type of music? scremooo
  10. What is your least favorite type of music? rappp
  11. What is your least favorite color? pink
  12. What are you wearing right now? (Puh-leez be mature) skinny jeans, and a tank
  13. What is your favorite number? 10
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? yessir
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? It’s sooo much fun! yes is did win :p
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? all time low, MCR
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? nope
  18. How many siblings do you have? 2
  19. Do you have any pets? 1
  20. If so, what kind? puppy
  21. What is your favorite fruit? applesss
  22. What is your favorite vegetable? uhm?
  23. What religion are you, if any? catholicc
  24. What is your favorite time of day? midmorning and night
  25. What is your favorite song? imnotok
  26. What is your favorite website? facebook
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? disney
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet? uhm my true love
  29. What is your favorite movie? horror
  30. Who is your favorite actor? adam brody (spelling)
  31. Who is your favorite actress? katherin higil (spelling?)
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get? BMW
  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read) dont read :p
  34. What is your favorite holiday? christmass
  35. What do you want for Christmas? peace
  36. What’s the weather like? warm
  37. How are you feeling? horrible
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? laughing
  39. Who is your idol? my mommy and daddy
  40. Who do you wish you looked like? no one I like myself
  41. What time do you normally go to bed? uhm late lmfao I can never get to sleep
  42. How much sleep do you normally get? 4 or 5 hours
  43. What time is it? 6:30
  44. Where do you live? in my homee
  45. Where were you born? nj
  46. Do you wish you had an accent? nahh
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind? jersey? haha I don’t know
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? yessirr
  49. Are you married? nope
  50. Can you sing? nope
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? nope
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? nope
  53. Can you dance? sure
  54. Can you dance WELL? ehh
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? nope
  56. Do you like being human? yess
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? uhmm fish so I can swim away
  58. Have you ever had a disease? yes
  59. How’s your love life? sucks
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? uhm alll
  61. What is your greatest fear? birds
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? ryan :x
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? girly
  64. Do you like Long or short hair? on guys… longish hair… but I have shortish longish hair lmfao
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes? both

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? uhm both Brother or sister? sisters… because I have no brothers :p Life or death? life Shoes or not? not Converse or Skechers? converse Rainy or sunny? sunny Home or away from home? home Bed or couch? bed Ipod or MP3/MP4? ipod Study or hang out? hangout Eat or drink? eat Cry or laugh? laugh Smile or frown? smile Emo, prep,jock.or nerd?emo nerd Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? neather Movies or music? both Wal-mart or Kroger? neither Computer or Tv? computer Dog or cat? dog Up or Down? up Left or right? left Jumping, skipping, or running? skipping Sit or stand? stand Football or Soccer? football Cheerleading or Marching Band? marching band Twilight or High School Musical? twilight Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? elvisss Taken or single? singleee :[ Gummy bears or gummy worms? bears please Skittles or mms? skittles Your mom or your face jokes? your face Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? sweet talking Movie or dinner date? movie Paint or wallpaper? paint My survey or somebody else’s? yours duhhh :]

Answer #11

So…Everyone else makes surveys so I decided I wanted to too.

  1. What is your first name? Eric
  2. What is your middle name? Paul
  3. What is your favorite color? White
  4. What is your best friend’s name? Tyler
  5. Why did you join this website? I wanted to help people
  6. What have you done today? Gone to school, come home, and get into arguments with the computer.
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? Food. Lunch? Food Dinner? Food
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? Why would I count them?
  9. What is your favorite type of music? classic rock! oh YEAH!
  10. What is your least favorite type of music? rap
  11. What is your least favorite color? black
  12. What are you wearing right now? (Puh-leez be mature) jeans, grey t shirt, grey sweatshirt, socks, underwear, and glasses.
  13. What is your favorite number? T
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? never heard of it.
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? It’s sooo much fun! never heard of it.
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? too many to list.
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? no
  18. How many siblings do you have? 1
  19. Do you have any pets? yes
  20. If so, what kind? hamster and parakeet
  21. What is your favorite fruit? green apples
  22. What is your favorite vegetable? corn
  23. What religion are you, if any? “catolic”; I’m a poor excuse for one.
  24. What is your favorite time of day? don’t have one.
  25. What is your favorite song? at the moment, “Carry on my Wayward Son”
  26. What is your favorite website?,
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? everywhere in the US! I wanna see it all!
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet? some people I talk to on funadvice
  29. What is your favorite movie? click
  30. Who is your favorite actor? don’t haveone
  31. Who is your favorite actress? don’t haveone either
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get? Ohhh… I would like a 1987 (last year made) El Camino.
  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read) Ummm… The Phone Book?
  34. What is your favorite holiday? My birthday
  35. What do you want for Christmas? Money
  36. What’s the weather like? cloudy here.
  37. How are you feeling? like I’ve got heartburn coming on. shouldn’t have eaten thouse brownies.
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? leaving the house, going somewhere, and not going back.
  39. Who is your idol? don’t have one
  40. Who do you wish you looked like? myself w/o glasses
  41. What time do you normally go to bed? LATE. 11:30 or so…
  42. How much sleep do you normally get? Not enough
  43. What time is it? 9:34 as I answer this at night.
  44. Where do you live? new hampshire
  45. Where were you born? new hampshire
  46. Do you wish you had an accent? I do. We all do.
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind? new hampshire accent
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? sure
  49. Are you married? at 17? no.
  50. Can you sing? no
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? no
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? no. Well, rockband, I’m in a band called Kittens From Hell
  53. Can you dance? hell no
  54. Can you dance WELL? no
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? will later
  56. Do you like being human? yeah… everything else is hunted
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? I don’t know
  58. Have you ever had a disease? not that I can think of.
  59. How’s your love life? like a sheet of blank paper: yet to be written
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? good vision. bad vision sucks.
  61. What is your greatest fear? small spaces
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? Heather.
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? Guy
  64. Do you like Long or short hair? On what?
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes?doesn’t matter to me.

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? neither Brother or sister? neither Life or death? life Shoes or not? shoes Converse or Skechers?converse Rainy or sunny? rainy Home or away from home?away from home. FAR away,. Bed or couch? bed Ipod or MP3/MP4? neither. try tape player Study or hang out? hang out Eat or drink? eat Cry or laugh? laugh. A LOT Smile or frown? frown Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? nerd, I guess… Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? Who the hell are they? Movies or music? Music. Wal-mart or Kroger? What the hell is Kroger? have to say walmart, even though I hate it. Computer or Tv? tv Dog or cat? dog. cats… don’t get me started Up or Down? left Left or right? up Jumping, skipping, or running? running Sit or stand? sit Football or Soccer? soccer Cheerleading or Marching Band? neither Twilight or High School Musical? I have never seen either, Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? EP Taken or single? single. wahhh Gummy bears or gummy worms? gummy worms Skittles or m&ms? skittles Your mom or your face jokes? neither Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? neither Movie or dinner date? dinner date, I guess Paint or wallpaper? wallpaper My survey or somebody else’s? this one was entertaining. Killed 25 minutes.

How long do you think it took me to make this survey? Are you bored? Good. Now get off your butt and go do something. Did you like my incredibly long & personal survey? Lol…

Answer #12

I’m sooo suprised even 1 person(other than me) answered this. Lol it’s a little long.

Answer #13

I made it so I’ll suffer it along with anyone else who has the time to do it…

  1. What is your first name? Paige
  2. What is your middle name? Jaclyn
  3. What is your favorite color? Black
  4. What is your best friend’s name? Alicia
  5. Why did you join this website? I wanted a question answered…
  6. What have you done today? Went to Target…
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? Pancakes Lunch? N/A Dinner? Broccoli Casserole
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? Like 30
  9. What is your favorite type of music? Alternative rock
  10. What is your least favorite type of music? Reap,Country,and hip-hop
  11. What is your least favorite color? Pink
  12. What are you wearing right now? (Puh-leez be mature) Black…Lots of black…
  13. What is your favorite number? 24 & 25
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? Yup
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? It’s sooo much fun! Yup.
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? The Used & Saosin
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? Yeah…Too many to name…
  18. How many siblings do you have? 3
  19. Do you have any pets? Yup
  20. If so, what kind? 2 dogs,2 hamsters, and a bird…
  21. What is your favorite fruit? Oranges
  22. What is your favorite vegetable? Carrots(Cold)
  23. What religion are you, if any? Baptist
  24. What is your favorite time of day? 11:11
  25. What is your favorite song? Earthquake
  26. What is your favorite website? I don’t know…
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? Australia
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet? Robert Pattinson
  29. What is your favorite movie? Twilight
  30. Who is your favorite actor? Robert Pattinson
  31. Who is your favorite actress? N/A
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get? Hummer or Lambroghini
  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read) Twilight
  34. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas or Halloween
  35. What do you want for Christmas? I don’t know…
  36. What’s the weather like? Windy…
  37. How are you feeling? Depressed…
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? Riding my motorcycle…
  39. Who is your idol? My oldest sis…
  40. Who do you wish you looked like? My oldest sis…
  41. What time do you normally go to bed? 2:00 AM
  42. How much sleep do you normally get? 3 hours,maybe…
  43. What time is it? 8:03 PM
  44. Where do you live? VA
  45. Where were you born? OH
  46. Do you wish you had an accent? Yup
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind? Northern…
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? Yeah!!!
  49. Are you married? Nope…
  50. Can you sing? I’ve been told I can…
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? Once…
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? Yup…The Killing Of The Killers
  53. Can you dance? Lol…
  54. Can you dance WELL? Not really…My friends say I’m good but I don’t think so…
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? Yup
  56. Do you like being human? Eh…Sorta’…
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? Lion…Powerful animal…
  58. Have you ever had a disease? Nope…I do have a few disorders though…Just minor ones…
  59. How’s your love life? Not in a relationship…
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Flying…
  61. What is your greatest fear? Needles & what comes after death…
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? Luke…
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? Girl
  64. Do you like Long or short hair? Long
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes? Blondes

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? Dad Brother or sister? Sister Life or death? Death Shoes or not? Shoes Converse or Skechers? Converse Rainy or sunny? Rainy Home or away from home? Away Bed or couch? Bed Ipod or MP3/MP4? MP4 Study or hang out? Hang out Eat or drink? Drink Cry or laugh? Laugh Smile or frown? I don’t know…Depends on my mood… Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? Emo Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? Robert Pattinson Movies or music? Music Wal-mart or Kroger? Wal-mart Computer or Tv? Computer Dog or cat? Dog Up or Down? Down Left or right? Left Jumping, skipping, or running? Jumping Sit or stand? Sit Football or Soccer? Football Cheerleading or Marching Band? MARCHING BAND 4EVER!!! Twilight or High School Musical? Twilight Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? Micheal Jackson Taken or single? Single Gummy bears or gummy worms? Bears Skittles or m&ms? Skittles Your mom or your face jokes? Your mom Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? Pick-up lines all the way!!! Movie or dinner date? Dinner Paint or wallpaper? Paint My survey or somebody else’s? Mine!!!

How long do you think it took me to make this survey? Bout an hour Are you bored? Yup… Good. Now get off your butt and go do something. Did you like my incredibly long & personal survey? Of course I do! Lol… ~Paige~

Answer #14
  1. What is your first name? Misty
  2. What is your middle name? Dawn
  3. What is your favorite color? Neon/Lime Green
  4. What is your best friend’s name? Kim
  5. Why did you join this website? because it was intresting
  6. What have you done today? school..hugged tyler
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? nothing Lunch? pizza water a lil bag of cheetos Dinner? doritos
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? l havnt made any but I’ve answered like 10
  9. What is your favorite type of music? Screamo, alternative, rock
  10. What is your least favorite type of music? COUNTRY eww
  11. What is your least favorite color? pale, grandma pink
  12. What are you wearing right now? (Puh-leez be mature) skinnies and pj top
  13. What is your favorite number? 24
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? no?
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? It’s sooo much fun! I don’t know what it is
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? too many-but some are Paramore, I see Stars, The devil Wears Prada, Three days grace, BFMV, All timw low
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? nope but learining the guitar
  18. How many siblings do you have? 8
  19. Do you have any pets? yep
  20. If so, what kind? dogs and cats
  21. What is your favorite fruit? orange or a mango
  22. What is your favorite vegetable? potato in mashed form
  23. What religion are you, if any? umm none rite now
  24. What is your favorite time of day? mignight
  25. What is your favorite song? too many
  26. What is your favorite website? a social site or
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? austarilia or europe
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet? someone who could help jumpstart a band and make me famous lol..or my soulmate?
  29. What is your favorite movie? anything funny or scary(the notebook, saw series, the ugly truth)
  30. Who is your favorite actor?I don’t know
  31. Who is your favorite actress? I don’t know
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get? a really fast one(Camaro or Thunderbird without a speed gonvenor)
  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read) too many
  34. What is your favorite holiday? Halloween
  35. What do you want for Christmas? I don’t know
  36. What’s the weather like? cold
  37. How are you feeling? tired kinda sad/happy…?
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? hanging with Kim or Tyler
  39. Who is your idol? Hailey williams or some other bands
  40. Who do you wish you looked like? me!
  41. What time do you normally go to bed? 2 am or later
  42. How much sleep do you normally get? depends
  43. What time is it? 7:PM
  44. Where do you live? MO =(
  45. Where were you born? Springfield
  46. Do you wish you had an accent? yes!
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind? a britsh one! there sexi
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? YEA
  49. Are you married? no
  50. Can you sing? I thnk so
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? yea but now I get stage fright 8(
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? no… =(
  53. Can you dance? maybe
  54. Can you dance WELL? nope
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? ya
  56. Do you like being human? I guess
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? panther, because there awesome
  58. Have you ever had a disease? no
  59. How’s your love life? ok ig
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? mind reading
  61. What is your greatest fear? heights..getting old
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? Tyler
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? Girl
  64. Do you like Long or short hair? Long on me…shaggy on guys
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes? brunettes

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? mom Brother or sister? I don’t know Life or death? life Shoes or not? depends Converse or Skechers? CONVERSE Rainy or sunny? depends Home or away from home? away Bed or couch? bed Ipod or MP3/MP4? ipod Study or hang out? hang Eat or drink? drink Cry or laugh? laugh..usually Smile or frown? depends Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? Emo Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? rob? Movies or music? MUSIC Wal-mart or Kroger? wtf is Kroger lol..Walmart tho Computer or Tv? computer if ther is internet Dog or cat? depends Up or Down? up Left or right? right Jumping, skipping, or running? skipping Sit or stand? depends Football or Soccer? both Cheerleading or Marching Band? NEITHER Twilight or High School Musical? Twilight Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? I don’t know Taken or single? complicated Gummy bears or gummy worms? gumy worms if there sour Skittles or mms? SKITTLES Your mom or your face jokes? your mom Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? sweet talking Movie or dinner date? movie Paint or wallpaper? paint My survey or somebody else’s?I don’t know?

How long do you think it took me to make this survey? a lil bit Are you bored? ya Good. Now get off your butt and go do something. Did you like my incredibly long personal survey? ya Lol…

Answer #15
  1. What is your first name? Julie.
  2. What is your middle name? Lizzie.
  3. What is your favorite color? Red.
  4. What is your best friend’s name? Courtney.
  5. Why did you join this website? I Needed Advice.
  6. What have you done today? Went Back 2 School.
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? Some Cereal. Lunch? Roll + Drink. Dinner? Pepperoni Pizza.
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? Dunno.
  9. What is your favorite type of music? Any That I Like.
  10. What is your least favorite type of music? Classical.
  11. What is your least favorite color? Brown.
  12. What are you wearing right now? White Combats + Pink Tee.
  13. What is your favorite number? 2.
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? Yes.
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? Cant Remember Haha.
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? Dunno.
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? Recorder.
  18. How many siblings do you have? 2.
  19. Do you have any pets? Yes
  20. If so, what kind? 1 Dog 2 Cats.
  21. What is your favorite fruit? Bananas.
  22. What is your favorite vegetable? Peas.
  23. What religion are you, if any? Christian.
  24. What is your favorite time of day? 1pm.
  25. What is your favorite song? Dunno.
  26. What is your favorite website? This, Facebook + Msn.
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? America.
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet? Mitchell Craske.
  29. What is your favorite movie? Dunno.
  30. Who is your favorite actor? The Guy Who Played Tony King In EE.
  31. Who is your favorite actress? Dunno.
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get?
  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read) Angus Thongs + Full Fronal Snogging.
  34. What is your favorite holiday? Summer.
  35. What do you want for Christmas? Laptop/Phone/Ipod.
  36. What’s the weather like? Boiling.
  37. How are you feeling? Ok.
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? Dancing.
  39. Who is your idol? No One.
  40. Who do you wish you looked like? Me.
  41. What time do you normally go to bed? 10.
  42. How much sleep do you normally get? More Than 5 Hours.
  43. What time is it? 10pm.
  44. Where do you live? England.
  45. Where were you born? England.
  46. Do you wish you had an accent? I Have One.
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind? A English One So Im Told.
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? Yes I WANT Their Accents.
  49. Are you married? No.
  50. Can you sing? No.
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? Well Yeah In A Choir.
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? No.
  53. Can you dance? Yes.
  54. Can you dance WELL? Apparently.
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? No.
  56. Do you like being human? Yes.
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? Monkey Theyre Funny.
  58. Have you ever had a disease? No.
  59. How’s your love life? Bad.
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Invisibility.
  61. What is your greatest fear? Spiders.
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? Marc.
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? Girl.
  64. Do you like Long or short hair? Medium.
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes?Brunettes.

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? Both. Brother or sister? Brother. Life or death? Life. Shoes or not? Shoes. Converse or Skechers? Converse. Rainy or sunny? Rainy. Home or away from home? Home. Bed or couch? Couch. Ipod or MP3/MP4? Ipod. Study or hang out? Hang Out. Eat or drink? Drink. Cry or laugh? Laugh. Smile or frown? Smile. Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? None. Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? Zac Efron. Movies or music? Music. Wal-mart or Kroger? Um Neiither. Computer or Tv? Computer. Dog or cat? Dog. Up or Down? Down. Left or right? Right. Jumping, skipping, or running? Jumping. Sit or stand? Sit. Football or Soccer? Um Same Thing. Cheerleading or Marching Band? Cheerleading. Twilight or High School Musical? Either. Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? Michael Jackson. Taken or single? Single. Gummy bears or gummy worms? Gummy Bears. Skittles or mms?Mms. Your mom or your face jokes? Your Face. Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? Sweet Talking. Movie or dinner date? Movie. Paint or wallpaper? Wallpaper. My survey or somebody else’s?Dunno.

How long do you think it took me to make this survey? No Clue. Are you bored? Yes Good. Now get off your butt and go do something. Haha I Am. Did you like my incredibly long personal survey? Yes.

Answer #16
  1. What is your first name? Pooja
  2. What is your middle name? Don’t have 1
  3. What is your favorite color? Green
  4. What is your best friend’s name? Liat
  5. Why did you join this website? I wanted a question answered…
  6. What have you done today? Went to school on a field trip, ate, how
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? Cereal Lunch? Sandwich Dinner? Spinnach
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? I don’t know
  9. What is your favorite type of music? Country/Pop
  10. What is your least favorite type of music? Rap, Metal
  11. What is your least favorite color? Read/Black
  12. What are you wearing right now? Jean+ a tee
  13. What is your favorite number? 13
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? Yup
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? No
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? Taylor Swift
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? Yeah…Piano.
  18. How many siblings do you have? 1
  19. Do you have any pets? Nope
  20. If so, what kind?
  21. What is your favorite fruit? Oranges
  22. What is your favorite vegetable? Carrots(Cold)
  23. What religion are you, if any? Hindu
  24. What is your favorite time of day? Right now at night
  25. What is your favorite song? White Horse
  26. What is your favorite website? I don’t know…
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? Australia
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet? Taylor Swift
  29. What is your favorite movie? 2012
  30. Who is your favorite actor? I don’t know
  31. Who is your favorite actress? I don’t know
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get? Mustang or BMW
  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read) Percy Jackson serris
  34. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
  35. What do you want for Christmas? Cell phone
  36. What’s the weather like? Windy…
  37. How are you feeling? Confused
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? Hangin out w/ my crush
  39. Who is your idol? I don’t know
  40. Who do you wish you looked like? Taylor Swift
  41. What time do you normally go to bed? 11 pm
  42. How much sleep do you normally get? 7 hours
  43. What time is it? 8:30 PM
  44. Where do you live? CA
  45. Where were you born? CA
  46. Do you wish you had an accent? Yup
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind? Britesh or Australian
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? Yeah!!!
  49. Are you married? Nope…
  50. Can you sing? I’ve been told I can…
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? Nope
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? No
  53. Can you dance? Lol…
  54. Can you dance WELL? Not really…My friends say I’m good but I don’t think so…
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? Yup
  56. Do you like being human? Eh…Sorta’…
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? Monkey & Dolphin
  58. Have you ever had a disease? Nope…
  59. How’s your love life? Not in a relationship…
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Reading Minds
  61. What is your greatest fear? Dogs
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? Kevin
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? Girl
  64. Do you like Long or short hair? Medium
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes? Brunettes – Which one?–

Mom or dad? Dad Brother or sister? Sister Life or death? Life Shoes or not? Shoes Converse or Skechers? Converse Rainy or sunny? Rainy Home or away from home? Away Bed or couch? Bed Ipod or MP3/MP4? IPod Study or hang out? Hang out Eat or drink? Drink Cry or laugh? Laugh Smile or frown? I don’t know…Depends on my mood… Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? Nether mostly nerd Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? Zac Movies or music? Music Wal-mart or Kroger? Wal-mart Computer or Tv? Computer Dog or cat? Dogaphobic and don’t like cats Up or Down? Down Left or right? Left Jumping, skipping, or running? Running Sit or stand? Sit Football or Soccer? Soccer Cheerleading or Marching Band? None. Twilight or High School Musical? Twilight Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? Micheal Jackson Taken or single? Single Gummy bears or gummy worms? Bears Skittles or mms? Skittles Your mom or your face jokes? Your mom Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? Sweet talking Movie or dinner date? Dinner Paint or wallpaper? Paint My survey or somebody else’s? Mine!!!

Answer #17
  1. What is your first name? JJ x
  2. What is your middle name? prefer not to say… I hate itt..
  3. What is your favorite color? orange
  4. What is your best friend’s name? jade
  5. Why did you join this website? I saw it on google and was like ‘cool’ hehe.
  6. What have you done today? went to school, fun fun funn.
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? 2 cereal bars Lunch? cheese and crackerrs and bread and butter Dinner? not had it yet
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? no clue :]
  9. What is your favorite type of music? any in the 40s and some others.
  10. What is your least favorite type of music? screamo
  11. What is your least favorite color? brown
  12. What are you wearing right now? top and jeans
  13. What is your favorite number? 2 or 13
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? I think so :]
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? umm cant remember.
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? taylor swift or jordan sparks & flo ridaa or something dont know :]
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? well not any more
  18. How many siblings do you have? 2
  19. Do you have any pets? Yeah
  20. If so, what kind? dog and cat, I love them
  21. What is your favorite fruit? bananas
  22. What is your favorite vegetable? corn on the cobb thing.
  23. What religion are you, if any? athest or christian I dont know really
  24. What is your favorite time of day? 11:11
  25. What is your favorite song? discostick or bulletproof
  26. What is your favorite website? youtube but this one is pretty cool.
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? new york
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet? mitchell craskee. ilovehimloads:]
  29. What is your favorite movie? twilight.
  30. Who is your favorite actor? jamie borthwick (jay on eastenders)
  31. Who is your favorite actress? shona mcgarty (whitney on eastenders)
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get? mini cooper :]
  33. What is your favorite book? my sister jodie by jacqueline wilson
  34. What is your favorite holiday? christmas
  35. What do you want for Christmas? dont know yet.. a laptop?
  36. What’s the weather like? rainy and thunderyy.
  37. How are you feeling? happyish okish
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? dancing.
  39. Who is your idol? selena gomez, well shes my fashion idol.
  40. Who do you wish you looked like? selena gomez.
  41. What time do you normally go to bed? 10pm
  42. How much sleep do you normally get? 10 or moree. I love my sleep :]
  43. What time is it? 6:17pm
  44. Where do you live? england. :]
  45. Where were you born? england.
  46. Do you wish you had an accent? apparently I do, woop woop.
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind? australian.
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? wow that was weird because of my answer above, but yeahh!
  49. Are you married? nope, not old enough.
  50. Can you sing? no, hehe.
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? nope and dont plan too either
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? nope.
  53. Can you dance? yeah
  54. Can you dance WELL? sort of.
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? nope.
  56. Do you like being human? yup its fun but id love to be a alien for the day.
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? penguin, they’re cute.
  58. Have you ever had a disease? not that I know of.
  59. How’s your love life? ok I guess but im single.
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? invisible.
  61. What is your greatest fear? spiders.
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? dont wanna saii..
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? girl
  64. Do you like Long or short hair? short :[
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes? brunettes

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? cant choose, love them both. Brother or sister? brother Life or death? life Shoes or not? not if no one else has either. Converse or Skechers? converse Rainy or sunny? dont mind. Home or away from home? either Bed or couch? bed Ipod or MP3/MP4? mp3 Study or hang out? hang outt, duh. Eat or drink? drink Cry or laugh? laugh Smile or frown? smile if im happy, frown if im sad. Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? none of them, im unique :] Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? either, both cool Movies or music? music, it helps me with problems. Wal-mart or Kroger? wal-mart Computer or Tv? computer Dog or cat? both Up or Down? umm up Left or right? right Jumping, skipping, or running? none really umm.. running. Sit or stand? sit Football or Soccer? in our counttry there the same loll so either. Cheerleading or Marching Band? cheerleading, if I could do it. Twilight or High School Musical? either, probs twilight. Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? michael jackson Taken or single? single Gummy bears or gummy worms? gummy bears Skittles or mms? mms Your mom or your face jokes? your face, but your mums are funny. Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? umm either? Movie or dinner date? movie. Paint or wallpaper? either. My survey or somebody else’s? yours all the wayy! :P

How long do you think it took me to make this survey? a while. Are you bored? kindd off yup. Did you like my incredibly long personal survey? Yupp its wonderful, hehe.x Lol…

Answer #18
  1. What is your first name? Miranda
  2. What is your middle name? Lee
  3. What is your favorite color? Plourange (Purple, Blue, Orange)
  4. What is your best friend’s name? Megan
  5. Why did you join this website? Boredness
  6. What have you done today? School
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? Pop Tart Lunch? Hotdog Dinner? Haven’t had dinner yet
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? 2
  9. What is your favorite type of music? Rock
  10. What is your least favorite type of music? Rap
  11. What is your least favorite color? Burgandy
  12. What are you wearing right now? (Puh-leez be mature) Red Converse, Blue Jeans, “Go Green” T Shirt
  13. What is your favorite number? 3
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? Nope
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? It’s sooo much fun! ?
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? 3Oh3!
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? Piano and Guitar
  18. How many siblings do you have? Older brother and older sister
  19. Do you have any pets? 2
  20. If so, what kind? Dog and Hamster
  21. What is your favorite fruit? Strawberries
  22. What is your favorite vegetable? Carrots
  23. What religion are you, if any? Christian
  24. What is your favorite time of day? 3PM
  25. What is your favorite song? Richman
  26. What is your favorite website? MySpace
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? Australia
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet? Adam Lambert
  29. What is your favorite movie? Nightmare Before Christmas
  30. Who is your favorite actor? Don’t have one
  31. Who is your favorite actress? Don’t have one
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get? Porsche Cayman
  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read) The Clique Series
  34. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
  35. What do you want for Christmas? Shoes and Clothes
  36. What’s the weather like? Sunny and hot
  37. How are you feeling? Awesome
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? Swimming
  39. Who is your idol? Mom
  40. Who do you wish you looked like? Selena Gomez
  41. What time do you normally go to bed? 11, 12, or 1
  42. How much sleep do you normally get? 6-8 Hours
  43. What time is it? 5PM
  44. Where do you live? Kentucky
  45. Where were you born? Kentucky
  46. Do you wish you had an accent? I have one
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind? Country :)
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? Yes, my best friend Matt is from Australia
  49. Are you married? Nope
  50. Can you sing? Yes
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? Yes
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? Nope
  53. Can you dance? Ha sure
  54. Can you dance WELL? Nope
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? Yes
  56. Do you like being human? yes
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? Penguin, I’d look sexy
  58. Have you ever had a disease? Not a deadly one
  59. How’s your love life? Great
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Flying
  61. What is your greatest fear? Spiders
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? Cody <3
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? Girl
  64. Do you like Long or short hair? Long
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes? Brunettes

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? Mom Brother or sister? Brother Life or death? Life Shoes or not? Shoes Converse or Skechers? Converse Rainy or sunny? Sunny Home or away from home? Camping Bed or couch? Bed Ipod or MP3/MP4? iPod Study or hang out? Hang Out Eat or drink? Drink Cry or laugh? Laugh Smile or frown? Smile Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? Stereotyping is stupid Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? Neither Movies or music? Music Wal-mart or Kroger? Wal-Mart Computer or Tv? Computer Dog or cat? Dog Up or Down? Sideways Left or right? Daigional Jumping, skipping, or running? Running Sit or stand? Sit Football or Soccer? Football Cheerleading or Marching Band? Cheer Twilight or High School Musical? Neither Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? Presley Taken or single? Taken Gummy bears or gummy worms? Worms Skittles or m&ms? Skittles Your mom or your face jokes? Mom Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? Sweet Talking Movie or dinner date? Movie Paint or wallpaper? Paint My survey or somebody else’s? MINE MWAH!!!

How long do you think it took me to make this survey? A while Are you bored? Very Good. Now get off your butt and go do something. Did you like my incredibly long & personal survey? Sure Lol…

Answer #19
  1. What is your first name? taylor
  2. What is your middle name? darcie-jayne
  3. What is your favorite color? lime green
  4. What is your best friend’s name? hajra/lisa/sacha
  5. Why did you join this website? droning it teacher
  6. What have you done today? eatenn,slept, music, chatted, skl
  7. What did you have for breakfast this morning? apple Lunch? ham sandwich, water Dinner? salad an lean chicken
  8. How many surveys have you done on Funadvice? 0
  9. What is your favorite type of music? im into anything exceptt classic/country
  10. What is your least favorite type of music? classic/country
  11. What is your least favorite color? brown
  12. What are you wearing right now? (Puh-leez be mature) black leggings, longish hoodie
  13. What is your favorite number? 33
  14. Have you ever taken the impossible quiz? no
  15. If so, did you win? If not, why not??? It’s sooo much fun! nvr heard of it aha
  16. Who is your favorite band/ artist? rihanna/marina an the diamonsa
  17. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? saxaphone
  18. How many siblings do you have? twin sister
  19. Do you have any pets? dog-macey
  20. If so, what kind? english bulldog
  21. What is your favorite fruit? banana
  22. What is your favorite vegetable? cauliflower
  23. What religion are you, if any? none-athiest
  24. What is your favorite time of day? lunch
  25. What is your favorite song? do it like a dude(8)
  26. What is your favorite website? fb oc
  27. If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? amazon rainforest
  28. If you could meet anyone you wanted to, who would you choose to meet? god- if he existed
  29. What is your favorite movie? white chicks
  30. Who is your favorite actor? brad pitt-oofft he’s fitt
  31. Who is your favorite actress? sandra bullock
  32. If you could have any kind of car, what kind would you get? mercedes
  33. What is your favorite book?(If you read) angels and demons
  34. What is your favorite holiday? majorca
  35. What do you want for Christmas? blackberry
  36. What’s the weather like? cold
  37. How are you feeling? tired
  38. What do you wish you were doing right now? in the carribean sunbathing
  39. Who is your idol? mom
  40. Who do you wish you looked like?
    any1 but me lol
  41. What time do you normally go to bed? whenever
  42. How much sleep do you normally get? 10 h
  43. What time is it? 22.36
  44. Where do you live? yarmouth
  45. Where were you born? hospital
  46. Do you wish you had an accent? nah
  47. If you do have an accent, what kind?
  48. Aren’t Australian people cool? can b depends
  49. Are you married? no
  50. Can you sing? no
  51. Ever sang in front of a big crowd? yes
  52. Are you in a band? If so, what is it called? no
  53. Can you dance? yes
  54. Can you dance WELL? imm rubbish aha
  55. Have you taken a shower yet today? twice
  56. Do you like being human? uhuh
  57. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why? girrafe-
  58. Have you ever had a disease? asthma-tht count
  59. How’s your love life? t’is alriteyy nosy :L
  60. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? mind reader
  61. What is your greatest fear? dieing
  62. What’s your boyfriend/girlfriend/crushes name? none of ur business aha :L
  63. Are you a Girl or a guy? girl
  64. Do you like Long or short hair? medium
  65. Do you like blondes or brunettes? blondes

– Which one?–

Mom or dad? mom Brother or sister? sister Life or death? life Shoes or not? shoes Converse or Skechers? converse Rainy or sunny? sunny Home or away from home? away Bed or couch? bed Ipod or MP3/MP4? ipod Study or hang out? hang out duhhh lol Eat or drink? drink Cry or laugh? laugh Smile or frown? smile Emo, prep,jock.or nerd? prep/jock Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson? z.e Movies or music? music Wal-mart or Kroger? kroger Computer or Tv? laptop ;) Dog or cat? dog Up or Down? down Left or right? right Jumping, skipping, or running? skipping Sit or stand? stand Football or Soccer? soccer Cheerleading or Marching Band? cheer Twilight or High School Musical? twi Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley? m.j Taken or single? siingle Gummy bears or gummy worms? gummy worms Skittles or m&ms? skittles Your mom or your face jokes? your mum Sweet talking or Pick- up lines? sweet talking Movie or dinner date? movie Paint or wallpaper? paint My survey or somebody else’s? ?

How long do you think it took me to make this survey? long enugh Are you bored?
yes otherwise wouldnt b doin this aha

Good. Now get off your butt and go do something. Did you like my incredibly long & personal survey? its okk

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