My boyfriends going to ditch me

I was looking on my boyfriends phone for a friends number an I found a lot of txts to his ex girlfriend. Most oof them say things like ‘its wird having a g.f ‘ and ‘ I want to let her down easy. ‘ there was also one ther saying ‘ I dont want to hurt her but I dont want to date people, I just want to screw hur an not be tied down ‘

I realy love this guy! We have been dating for 4 months now an he even lives with me! I realy dont know what has hapened.

He got me pregnant an pushed me to get an abortion, he realy seems to care most of the time, but he has a habit of making up an excuse an going out drinking with his friends.

I realy don’t know what to do, I realy don’t want him to leave me.

Answer #1

u need to do one of two things:

  1. face it be strong leave him cold turkey, it will hurt for a few days only, try not to see him AT ALL, surround urself with friends try to go out have fun change atmosphere and forget him, somone more worthy of you and your loyalty and love will come along! trust me.

  2. slowly be rid of him within urself, stop sex, resist the urge as much as possible, slowly but surely lose interest and love then get out, this is a longer and more painful process, trust me, it feels easier but in long run will take a lot out of you your personality your energy and your career/education.

if you plan on the first option, just to make sure and be on safe side you can confront him. but this at same time will push you to the second option as he will create some excuses that he didnt mean you and truth is he just wanna continue sleeping with u.

remember this, I dont know the exact words but here goes: if you love somone you have to learn to let him go, if he comes back he was urs if he doesnt he was never urs. something along those lines.

good luck we are all here to help.

Answer #2

He could just be lyen to his ex girlfriend just to see what she will say. But I would confront him about it and if all that is true what he said you need to change locks throw all his stuff at the house and tell him where he can find it…

Answer #3

He is a jerk he is saying to her that he does not want to be with you, he just wants to sleep with you. I say you pack up all his stuff, throw it on the lawn, change the locks, and never see him again.

Answer #4

or you can also give a shot into making him love u. making urself not just an experience on the road. be harder to get. be urself.

be stricter to your wants and desires, make him do things you like and want, play harder to get, make him do things you enjoy not always doing things he wants and enjoys.

live YOUR life, not his. make HIM follow u, not other way around. be urself more not what he wants you to be.

build your true stronger personality. use this experience to develop yourself. be who you are meant to be. stop being who he wants you to be.

it seems in the end he will ditch u, progress develop urself and ditch him first if he is unworthy. this is a great and inevitable experience for u.

cheers and good luck girl!

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