My boyfriend a perve

He wants me to take pictures of myself naked… And wont give it up… Is this the only reason hes dateing me???

Answer #1

Your ONLY 13. You need to DUMP you’re disrespectful little horny boyfriend.

If you do decide to give into him you will regret it later, because I guarantee you that it will find its way onto other peoples computers, phones, emails, etc.! Find a boy that respects you as a person, not as some object!

Answer #2

maybe.. maybe not

he may have a bet on you as many guys do these days.. …or… simply he horny and just wants to see you naked (so he can wank LOL)..

Answer #3

Maybe… but maybe not at the same time. Some guys are just really really horny… that doesn’t mean that’s the only reason they’re with you. Tell him you don’t want to give him pictures because you’re worried someone else will see them. If he gets upset about it, tell him that you feel like its the only reason he’s with you, and hopefully he’ll be able to convince you otherwise. And if it helps, just be flattered he’s asking for pics of you to use instead of looking at naked pics of someone else.

Answer #4

you might want to go out with somebody that will respect your body and not just use you for nude photos, this happens to a lot of teenage girls, they are being used for their bodies. so please take my advice, and dump the player, he just wants your body. don’t send him any. :D

Answer #5

guys are always like that,

and if they start out like that in a relationship then, most of the tim ethat is all they are out for,

dont do it and matter what they say, because when you split up, they can show everyone and send it around, they will use it as blackmail believe me I’ve been through it, thank god I was onli in my underwear, it could have been much much worse tho if I did decide to go nude

hope this was helpful

Answer #6

If you give into him, he will pass it round to all his mates and they will pass it onto theirs.

Teen guys cannot help themselves in such situations. They think it is a macho, bosting thing that improves their street cred.



Answer #7

The only way you can find out if that is the only reason why he is dating you is if you tell him no, and see if he breaks up with you.

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