What's the difference between Freddy Mercury and God?

Whats the difference between FreddyMurcury and god?? (and I know I probubly spelt it wrong so dont bug me)

Answer #1

ones gay

Answer #2

I assume you mean Freddy Mercury from the rock group Queen.

While tremendously successful and influencial as a musician and songwriter he is entirely mortal having died in 1991.

Speaking of God, Freddy Mercury was a Zoroastrian. Zoroastrianism is based on a Persian savior named Zarathustra or Zoroaster (English version of his name) who lived centuries before Jesus (though scholars argue about which century he lived). Zoroastrianism is considered the oldest montheistic religion. Zoroaster taught many of the same things Jesus later did. Many religious scholars believe Zoroaster had a great deal of influence on classical religions, Judaism, as well as Christianity.

Answer #3

just to start off with, it’s freddie, not freddy

freddie had a mind of a god but only a human body… :(

miss him so much

Answer #4

god isn’t as sexy ;)

Answer #5

no difference

Answer #6

and yes I am probubly going to hell

Answer #7

I don’t think there is a difference between god and freddy mercury

Answer #8

One was a gay man…the other isn’t.

Answer #9

No freddy Murcury is god!!!

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