Moving Out!

I am 22 years old and I have two children. I moved away from home in November and moved back home in December which forced me to live with my parents. Well its been hell ever since I’ve moved back home. Im planning on moving back to Missouri this Saturday and I haven’t said a word to my parents about me leaving. Is tehre anything that they could do to keep me from leaving if I told them that I was moving?

Answer #1

You are 22 years old and legally an adult and your parents can not force you to stay. Although, you should show them some respect and atleast let them know that you are leaving and moving back. It’s kind of rude to just pick up and leave and it will leave them feeling horrible. Atleast show them that much respect.

Answer #2

No, you’re 22 ! - no doubt they’re probably very concerned about the instability these children keep experiencing - for their sake I hope the best is done.

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