Whats your favorite scene from any movie?

Whats your favorite scene from any movie?

Answer #1

There is a scene in Hard Candy (2005) where Hayley (Ellen Page) total OWNS Jeff who is a paedophile in the movie and she is like

“thats what they always say jeff”

  • who? “who? THE PAEDOPHILES!” - “she was so sexy, she was asking for it”, she was only techincally a girl, she acted like a woman. it’s just so easy to blame a KID. isnt it?

Just because a girl knows how to immatate a woman does NOT mean she is ready to do what a woman does. I mean, your the grownup here! if a kid is experimental, and says something flirtateous you ignore it, you don’t encourage it. if a KID says “hey lets make screwdrivers” you take the alcohol away and you don’t race them to the next drink!

“okay okay I’ve been lonely and that makes me stupid but I am not a paedophile”

and ellen says: I am not lonely therefore not stupid and I understand why you might be a little peeved so when IM ready to go, I’LL call a cab AND CALL ANOTHER ONE TO LET YOU LOOSE!

“and when will…-“


(brilliant :D)

Answer #2

oh gosh so many… in American Beauty when Lester’s working at the drive through and his wife drives up with the guy she’s having an affair with, and Lester says, “you don’t get to tell me what to do ever again.”

…the end of The Usual Suspects

in Garden State when they get on the tractor thing and scream

in Jaws, when Roy Schieder’s character says, “we’re gonna need a bigger boat” and also when Quint was talking about the USS Indianapolis

gahhh so many…I could go on and on…

Answer #3

Right now, Pineapple Express when Red slaps Saul then spits in his face and Saul says “herpes!” haha that whole fight scene is great.

Then Dumb and Dumber when they’re at the owl place and Harry and Lloyd are playing with their canes lmao

Sixteen Candles when Dong says ‘No more yanky my wanky’

Juno when Bleeker says ‘Well, I still have your panties’ and Juno says ‘I still have your virginity’ hahaha

Joe Dirt when Buffalo Bob says ‘It puts the lotion on its skin…it does what it’s told!’ and Joe says ‘Alright, alright say it don’t spray it.. I need a towel now’ lmao

Superbad when Evan and Seth are talking about lube

Answer #4

the dance in napolean dynamite

Answer #5

in waynes world.. when garth is singing foxy lady and when they are singing the bohemian rhapsody.lol

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