Would it be a bad move to date someone who is supposedly a registered sex offender?

This guy I like is apparently a registered sex offender. I looked him name up on a website where you can find sex offenders in your area, but his name didn’t come up, so I have no proof. All my friends tell me not to date him because of this, but I really like him, and all of this crap with the “sex offender” and whatnot happened in junior high, nearly four years ago.

Answer #1

i guess would it bother you to date a rapist? where did you hear he is a sex offender? surprisingly - believe it or not- some people sometimes make up lies to keep people from dating each other- could this be the case?

i would check into it a bit more before coming to a conclusion- if you find out for a fact he is a sex offender then you have a choice- can you live with the knowledge that you may get raped or worse? can you live with the thought of this person maybe raping someone else?

if it is a case of people making up crap i would give them all the middle finger and date him and see where it goes. only if it has been proven beyond a doubt that he is NOT a sex offender.

Answer #2

Thanks… It just is bothersome to even consider that a 16 year old is ALREADY a sex offender… He doesn’t even act like a creeper, which makes it even more unsettling…What does being a sex offender entail, exactly? Is it the same as rape?

Answer #3

You don’t have to be a creeper to be a sex offender. It can be as simple as having sex with someone a lot younger than you (the parents of the girl found out & pressed charges) or having naked pictures of your girlfriend. Theres many reasons that have nothing to do with actually being a rapist/creeper.

Answer #4

You won’t find record of a minor as a sex offender.

Answer #6

Talk to him about it. There are many reasons that a guy could be registered as a sex offender. And honestly…. It’s highly unlikely that he is if he’s a minor. Not everything that people say is true. Rumors happen, your friends may not be trying to lie to you but it may not be true. Keep your eyes open and your guard up with everyone until you know the truth.

Answer #7

So what did he do? Molest a 9 year old when he was 12?

Answer #8

He apparently posted inappropriate pictures on twitter without someone else’s permission.

Answer #9

Kort if there is anything people stereotype is the words “Sex Offender”. They immediately picture guys attacking small children in gangways, etc. But that label is wide spread and far from limited to them. Find out the facts first, not the hearsay. If he is registered, find out for yourself the details. If he is registered the details are available.

Answer #10

It would be risky, even if he swears he has changed. Those personality traits never fully go away.

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