Most of you guys are just gonna say none...

Would you rather have a Wrinkly body and a nice face


A wrinkly face and a nice body?

Would you rather Be 12 feet tall


2 feet tall???

Would you rather have hair as straw ( like actualy sipping from a drink straw )


Crayon as teeth??

Come on please I wanna know what you choose… Most people just say none its so annoying iam mean please.. Its not true so it shouldnt matter lol (:

Please choose !!!

Answer #1
  1. Wrinkly face and nice body
  2. 12 feet tall
  3. hair as straw. How do you think of these?
Answer #2

Wrinkly body and a nice face 12 feet tall Hair as straw

Answer #3

1 Wrinkly body and a nice face 2 2 feet tall 3* hair as straw

Answer #4
  1. Wrinkly face and nice body (You can get stuff to take the wrinkles away on your face)
  2. 12 feet tall (you can stand out of the crowd) 3.Hair as straws (I dont know a reason for that lol)


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