morning after pill

What is the morning after pill and where do you get it?

Answer #1

it is a pill you take within 72 hours of unprotected sex it is also called “plan B” you can type it on google but it stops you from getting pregnant it isnt 100 percent effictive though and it should only be used in emergencies if it is used a lot it can really damage your uterus

I had to do a report on this a few months ago and you can get it at a pharmacy

Answer #2

yep, a pill or “plan b” or emergency contracpetion after something like unprotected sex or the condom breaking ect is when you take it you must take it within 3 days of havng sex the first 24 hours will be the most effective time, later on it will be less effecrive and after 3 days it wont be effective at all and taking it wont do anything it helps to stop the pregnancy from occuring just like everything else, its not 100% effective though you can pick it up from a pharmacy but it can also cause side effects like the regular pill can so be aware of that

Answer #3

it is a pill also referred to as “plan B” it is effective when you have unprotected sex and you do not wish to conceive. so if a condom breaks, or the man ejaculates in you, you can take that pill and it reduces significantly the chances of you becoming pregnant. of course, like every other pill it’s not 100% effective. and you will most likely get your period shortly after. you can buy it at any pharmacy store, cvs, etc. you may have to ask the pharmacy person though.

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