mood swings.

Okay, so like things have been real tough for me here lately and I feel like just screaming at everyone, I have such bad mood swings its crazy, but I”m not bi-polar that I know of. I know that my real dad is bi-polar. but my mother says that I”m not. everything just seems out of place, and sometimes I just wanna get up and leave and never come back, people these days are just so harsh and everything. I have like no friends now, that are always here for me. cause my best friend is mad at me and my other best friend moved away. I have been talking to my younger sister but its just I feel like no one understands at all, and really actually gives a f* about what I think. I just need a true friend and I feel like I have nothing, my mother gives me advice all the time but I want someone I can hang out with and that I can talk to. its so hard, not having what I used to have. I just need some advice on what I should do, and calm me down when I have these moods.

Answer #1

if one parent is bipolar the child has a 25% chance of being bipolar. im bipolar myself and didn’t know until I was 19 and even then I was in denial about it. you do need someone to talk to, is there a counselor or therapist that you can talk to? feel free to fun mail me

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