monroe hurt? bleed?

so.. I’m getting a monroe piercing next sun, and so I really wanna know wa I’m getting myself into lol so duz it hurt like really bad?? and duz it bleed bad?? because I h8 blood loads! thanks xx

Answer #1

Nup doesnt bleed or hurt :P Well mine never anyways :-j x Itsno were near as sore as getting your bely done :P and your belly isnt even that sore :-)


Answer #2

That is one persons experience everyone differs. Some people bleed others don’t. Some people say it’s painful others don’t. Realistically of course it hurts, pushing a needle in to your skin IS going to hurt. It might not be the most excruciating pain ever but your brain registers it as pain.

Don’t let this put you off though, most piercings aren’t that bad. Breathe deeply, do as the piercer says and follow aftercare instructions and it should go fine. good luck.

Answer #3

I pierced my monroe myself and It came out perfectly. It didnt hurt AT ALL. and mine didnt bleed.

Answer #4

thanks ! =D am more confident knowin there is no blood now lol XD

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