How to monitor my home for free?

Answer #1

With a web cam hooked to your computer, and some simple software.

Answer #2

The most easiest way to monitor is to have a faithful dog . A trained dog can monitor your home . You can also buy close circuit cameras to monitor your home but it will cost some money for all the settings. Another simple way to monitor home is to appoint a security guard . Hope my suggestion will help

Answer #3

You can install your own security camras or alarms instead of paying monthly fees to a company, you still have to pay for the equipment however but it is cheaper. To add more security buy the stick on door and window alarms. You can get them as cheap as one dollar and they sound a very loud alarm if a door or window is opened. Having a watch dog is also a great option.

Answer #4

Get some watch dogs. oops…that;s not for free…

Answer #5

Put some un-wrinkled paper near all your doors. If anyone tries to enter your house or flat, the paper will move or be stepped on or moved in some way. This wont protect you from people stealing from your home, but it will let you know if anyone has entered your home since you left.

Answer #6

If you don’t have money to buy a close circuit camera you can use your webcam to monitor your home for free. A simple software will be help ful. Try it. best of luck

Answer #7

Try They have a free service.

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