Does money rule the world or does man rule money?

Answer #1

Money rules emotions and emotions rules man….imo.

Answer #2

In what sense would money rule emotions?

Answer #3

First man tries to rule money and then money rules man.

Answer #4

Well, we make money important and when something is important it affects your emotions and eventually has a type of control over your emotions (because we let it obviously). We as people are emotional creatures i.e. our emotions dictate our behaviour and control what we do and therefore money controls our emotions.

Answer #5

Alright but how does money do that, exactly? Is it just ascribing power to money through barter or is it something that is just praised?

Answer #6

Money equals power. Power changes a man. You have money you can have anything you desire that is possible to get with money. Money is power in another form. And you can get Power drunk.

Answer #7

Ever read the power Richard Corey? :)

Answer #8

But isn’t money just important because it’s a necessity? And aren’t necessities sort of distant on an emotionally powerful level? Like you can say god has a lot of power over peoples’ emotions but he isn’t a necessity for some whereas money, like you said with ascribing importance to it, is important but only for the reason of supplying the demand.

Answer #9

Man rules over money, because they need it at first, then man gets greedy and allows money to take over.

Answer #10

money is the key to everything. so money rules man. money=power.

Answer #11

The man rules along with the money. They money is something you need, but so its the men.

Answer #12

Money is a faith, in fact. It works only as long as people believe in it. I mean believing that money is actually worth something. If people loose faith in their currency, they will ask more money for everything. Which leads to inflation of the currency. And in the end the baker will only give you bread if you provide him with a glass of jam. And the plumber will fix your broken tube for a pack of coffee beans and a box of apples from your apple tree. Which will lead to a total breakdown of economy. :)

Answer #13

Money isn’t the thing that rules the world, money is a method of ruling the world. Money is essential for lobbying and lobbying can be very useful (for example it can decide in which country the football EC takes place). Not to mention, with money we can bribe anyone (for example the jury, police and the government). In conclusion money is the thing that rules the world and men rule the money.

Answer #14

I Think How Much Money You Have .. Is How You Behave And Speak To People. And Are Treated. If You Have Lors Of Mony You Get Special Treatment.. Lindsey Mel.

Answer #15

depends on who you r and what you believe in…. im dead broke, strugglin….. buh life goes on yo…. i could care less about money….. good 4 food and gettin sax tho lol

Answer #16

Damn chines why they discover money.For me money rule the world.

Answer #17

Money isn’t a necessity. We all CAN sustainourselves without money, but many people won’t try or won’t want to do it because it means giving up certain luxuries. And to answer your necessities part, no necessaties affect us emotionally if we do not have it or struggle to obtain it.

Answer #18

They didn’t “discover” money, they invented paper money. Currency and bartering existed everywhere.

Answer #19

Can you show me one way in which money isn’t a necessity? I can’t think of anyone, and yes, you can say money has diseased my mind :P

Answer #20

Actually money is ruling the world.,

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