Do you think that Mitchell Musso can sing?

Do you think that Mithell musso can sing??? I’ve heard him rap in LETS GO and its not that good. but I heard him sing in WASNT YOUR GIRLFRIEND and I coulnt get enough of it. tell mi if you like his singing.

Answer #1

well first of all who the hell cares about hair he has a good voice and yes most people who rap has had hard lifes but those ones talk about their hard lives then theres the one who just like rapping and he is good just miss giuded

Answer #2

ok you def dont no him.. he is soo cute. he has 2 keep his haircut or hair.. I met him and he is 1 of the cutest boys I ever met. And he can rap. And rap is just a type of music not 4 peps that had a rough life or whatever.. dont believe what sum shows talk bout

Answer #3

I guess I’m too old to know who this kid is so I looked him up.

My opinion is:

-he needs a haircut, he looks ridiculous(that haircut has never worked, even in the 70’s)

-rap is a genre of music mainly used from artists who have had personal experiences in the streets (living or growing up in rough neighborhoods) I highly doubt this kid has ever even been in a fight in his suburban “hood”.

-that song just sucks, he should try pop music and follow his other Disney comrade Hillary Duff

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