What would you do for a million bucks?

what would you do for a million bux??

Answer #1

Eat 100 jars of pickled cockles. I’d be enjoying my favourite food AND getting rich! But even just having the chance to eat 100 jars of pickled cockles would be enough for me! Lol.

Answer #2

I will work hard in order to get them

Answer #3

Maybe anything. Except for the killing, doing something inhumane to myself or someone else, hurting an animal or anything I would regret. Kinda boring huh? Hehe.

Answer #4

Kill my friends. Just kidding Britz, or am I?

Answer #5

kill whoever would give me the 1 million, then I wouldnt be bothered to do what he/she said I should :P

Answer #6

Nothing, I don’t love money that much, but I’d get a job and work hard, and by the time, I will get ‘em maybe, and if I don’t, I’ll just be thankful for what I’ve got, what would you do?

Answer #7

ummm… I’d go on Fear Factor!! - and eat pig intestines, roaches, slugs, be burried with snakes, hung upside down from a helicopter, drive a car into the lake and rescue a dummy…anything they want me to do on the show…I’m up for the challange, to win a million bucks!! :D

Answer #8

One time deal? I wouldn’t do anything that could hurt anyone like stealing, and I wouldn’t perform a sexual act. I be a stripper for a night.

Answer #9


Answer #10

I would not commit serious harm to myself or someone else, nor would I do anything that had a high chance of getting me serious prison time (back to the personal harm aspect). I also wouldn’t have sex with a sibling/parent/grandparent/child. Also, I would not trade more than maybe 6 months of my life (and just the last crappy six months at that!) for it, nor would I take on intolerable torture level pain.

Basically, I’m a wimp. Make and offer and we’ll see if I take it.

Answer #11

I would sky dive 2 times, or I would kiss this guy in my english and maths class who has acne and possibly get the pimple plague on my face, I would probz be a stripper for a night as well, I would commit social suicidal things for a week, I would spend the night in the woods, I would spend the night in a house that is notorious for being haunted and people dying in it, I would go to university, I would have a pary full of clowns. I would accept to go out with that creep dude that asked me out (but then I would break up with him), I would go into prison for 2 weeks, I would clean up the whole house for a year, I would stick a note on my science teachers back that says ‘paedo’, or id just ask for the million bucks or blackmail (thank you to my friend for giving me the 2 last bright ideas, man im going to be stinkin rich now).

Answer #12

hell id do ALMOST anything lol

Answer #13

Anything that doesn’t have long term reprocutions

Answer #14

I wouldnt really do anything but if I had a million bucks I would do a lot of stuff with the million bucks

Answer #15


Answer #16

I’d do pretty much anything, except permanently deform my body.

Answer #17

I’d probably do anything, that doesn’t cause me embarassment til the end of time.

Answer #18

I would work hard very hard but of course I dont need to, because I already have more that 1million Bucks

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