Why does everybody love miley cyrus?

Why does everybody love miley cyrus??

Answer #1

Overall appears to be a very nice, down-to-earth person !!

Answer #2

I like her but I dont like her its hard for a teenager to grow up in the spot light like that but I think everyone likes her because of her familey and where she comes from

Answer #3

l don’t think she is a good role model. That is why I don’t like her. I think people like her because they like her tv show.

Answer #4

not everyone does billion of people dont like her or even know who she is I hate her, in my opinion shes a terrible role model, like a lot of the other celebrities are but your talking about all the little teens who are in love with her or think there are thats normal, its like back in the 90’s when everyone loves those boy bands people grow up, get over it, or keep loving the same music they did when they were young but not everyone loves those annoying teens who act and dress 10 years older than they actually are

Answer #5

I certainly dont. I dont think shes talented at all.She doesnt write a mojority of her music,and In all honesty her acting and her singing just blows.Shes only famous because her ad is Billy Ray Cyrus. And whats up with that whole stage actor nonsense? She has lookalikes on stage to act as her? Pfft.Not a fan.

Her brother on the other hand;; Hes got pure talent in his band. [[MetroStation]] I’ve met him. :]

Answer #6

well, I like myley cyrus..:)

Answer #7


Answer #8

my sister like myley cyrus and in my oppinion she is a driver’s license away from being lindsey lohan

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