Do most men like being the dominant one or prefer when the girl is the dominant one?

Answer #1

When females are dominant in an relationship the man is faced with being a baby or the “b” word. My boyfriend best friend, his girlfriend is so demanding and dominant that when they break up no girl will want him at school. He is ruined. So according to me men that are dominant are the better choice. But thats my opinion.

Answer #2

Depends on what your talking about. I think everything should be kept on a 50/50 level of mutual respect, communication and consideration. But when things come down to protecting the household, it’s interests, and over all being the “man of the house”, someone has to step into that role, and any girl who say’s she doesn’t want you to do that is either lying or screwed up because she hasn’t been in a situation yet to understand it’s importance. I’m ready for all the attacks I might get for this answer,

Answer #3

It’s strange but I think men like it when the woman is dominate at times but that’s once youre in a relationship for awhile. They like someone to direct them but not when you’re just dating, lol

Answer #4

Who says there has to be a dominant one.. ?

Answer #5

Oh quit trying to be politically correct. Stand up and be a man.

Answer #6

Not nesessarily. The truth is, we want you to be a partner with us. A friend and confidant (sp). In other words, “we are running this road together and I want ya right here with me” A real man always listens and admits if he’s wrong, but sets his foot down when he knows for sure that he’s right.(tactfully)

Answer #7

That’s what is women look for too! But I guess it takes a real man to think like that! I agree with you though

Answer #8

Curious, do you believe there are existentialist qualities in females and males? Something I’ve been contemplating myself. I mean, males and females are coded differently, they’re physically different, yet you have those who wish they were different genders or are both in the way they have male and female genitalia.

Answer #9

Many people today refuse to acknowledge that men and women have real differences other than their plumbing. The truth is that men tend to be better at certain things and women tend to be better at other things. One of the things women are usually better at is relationships. In every happy long term marriage I know of the wife is in charge. The husband isn’t a doormat but the wife makes the rules and in disagreements the argument is over when she says it is over and she gets the last word. Marriages where the husband is in charge are usually short, unhappy, or even abusive. Most men would prefer their wives to be in charge even if their ego or societal pressure prevent them from admitting it.

Answer #10

It depends on the person. I personally like it when women are dominant, within reason (aka, she isn’t bossy, but will take the reigns in the relationship/sex/dating/etc when she wants). I don’t appreciate or like the pressure of having to play into social and gender stereotypes by having to be a macho, dominant guy 24/7. I like it when women show their equality in a relationship by taking the reigns when they want to. It turns me on to have a strong-minded women who knows what she wants, while still having that equality and respect.

Answer #11

Thank you.

Answer #12

I’ve watched a documentary or two about it but really can’t comment except I think it’s rare and mostly a mental/emotional issue. Getting back to the original question, I have to be the man of this house because in “reality” I’m responsible for EVERYTHING that happens here and have NO excuses for not taking care of it. The world will never accept a statement from me that I was having a bad day, or tired, emotional, ect. A woman can say such things and it’s understandable. But a man would get laughed at for making such a lame excuse. Guys, treat women as best you can, be kind, loving, listen, care and everything else. But when it comes down to it, you gotta be A MAN!!!!!

Answer #13

It really depends. I suppose some men would like to dominate a girl but when it comes to or@l sex - in which I’d imagine from what I hear. men would want - then it’s the girl who is control and is dominating. Some people like receiving and some people like giving and some people like both, I don’t think you can say what people want or do just by their gender.

Answer #14

when it comes to s*ex id rather the women for dominate.but in a relationship id rather be mutual

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