does anyone know what "the memory keepers daughter" by kim edwards is about?

how does it end?

Answer #1

Its bout this fmaily that has a baby but the girl is retarted so thhe dad tells the mom thaat it died an it goies to this differant family an this dad sends money an sees her secreactly

Answer #2

It is about a doctor and his wife, and the doctor ends up delivering their twins. Their boy is fine, but he can tell the girl has downs syndrome so he tells his nurse to take the baby girl to an institution for intellectially disabled people, while he tells his wife only the baby boy survives. The nurse however, takes the baby, moves away and raises her as her own daughter. Unfortunately, the loss of their daughter and sister pretty much destroys the family. It gets a bit better in the end though, when the truth finally comes out and the twins are reunited.

Answer #3

wwow thank you that helped alot!

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