Does it matter which university you attend to do your degree?

Answer #1

no, as long as u get it and get ur career, your good and ur on ur way ;))

Answer #2

ok the thing is i am doing my 1st and 2nd year in college n 3rd year at university do you think that it will matter when i am going to look for a job.

Answer #3

ok the thing is i am doing my 1st and 2nd year in college n 3rd year at university do you think that it will matter when i am going to look for a job.

Answer #4

I’d say yes, depending on the job, the company and competition. Some schools specialize more in certain areas. I do believe that in some situations, or many, this is taken into account. The same degree, but from a school that specializes in the job you are applying for can give you an advantage especially if there is much competition.

Answer #5

thank u

Answer #6

Don’t be afraid; you can get a very good, if not even better, education at a lesser-known univeristy. I attend one of the ‘public ivy leagues’, it is very affordable (about 22k a year), and the professors are some of the best I think I could ever have. You don’t have to go to Harvard to find professors that are passionate about what they teach (and that’s how you really learn, anyways)

I don’t think it’s the university that you choose, as much as your grades/coursework/extracurriculars and invovlement, internships etc. that will set you apart.

My school is a state school also, and it has very good job placements for graduates.

My opinion is save yourself the money, and focus on where you would be most comfortable, rather than which one is more prestigious

Answer #7

Make sure the university is acredited. If they aren’t some businesses wont accept your degree.

Answer #8

thank you

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