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i typed it in to an online dictionary and it says its not even a word..sooo idk
lol kk spanks anyways :)
I have no idea, but you could try typin it into urban dictionary…
A little man, perhaps?
A manlet is a term used mainly in the sport of bodybuilding to describe a person under 5’6”. The term is more or less a portmanteau of man and less to form manlet.
The opposite of a manlet is a manmore, a person of 5’7” or greater height. A portmanteau of man and more obviously.
To the average Joe and Jane Doe, these terms are useless. But in bodybuilding, these words are used in an endless war between short versus tall people. I am a manlet because I am 5’3”.
haha…i knew a guy philly..weird lil irish dude…kid was whacked….i towered over him
Maybe he was a leperchaun lol
thats what the whole class called him..freakin dude like 4 ft something jumping higher then i can and im 6 ft
No offense but thats kinda sad XD
i know it was creepy…seriously,i was about the tallest guy there and he could jump higher than any of us…he was weird