What does "mami" mean exactly?

A sort-of-friend keeps calling me this, it sounds like mom haha which would be weird.

Answer #1

In Spanish countries men call attractive women mami and women call handsome men papi.

Answer #2

In Bahasa Indonesia it is for mama.

Answer #3

Usually it means like “baby girl” or “little ma’ma” its just someone calling you pretty or attractive. I hear it all the time when I go to the Flea market and theirs lots of Latin men out there.

Answer #4

It’s a name of affection. An old neighbor of mine whom I still keep in touch with has a four year old daughter, shes half mexican and Ive known her most of her life, I call her mami or mama, it’s like saying honey. It is a spanish cultural thing. It can also be like saying baby if you say it to a girlfriend of someone you want like that. Haha, either he thinks of you as a sister, or he wants yo sh1t!

Answer #5

Many hispanic kids call their moms “mami” and as mentioned it’s also a term of endearment.

Answer #6

He probably meant to say “honey”, “sweetheart” or “sexy” I’m mexican - American but I go to Mexico often and when they have told me “mami” it’s most referring to the body.. also hispanic/latino call their moms “mami” sorta like to get their attention in a cute way jeje :)

Answer #7

In German it’s yet another nickname for mother.

Answer #8

It’s a way to refer to a spicy, familiar, complementary and friendly way to a Hot latina lady……

Answer #9

Mami, is generally an abbreviation of the word mammagram, when middle aged women have their breasts scanned/ squeezed by machine to check for developing cancer cells.

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