How do you make out?

Uh, yeah.. Obviously, I don’t know how to makeout. I never have. So yeah, My boyfriend hasn’t really said anything about it, but c’mon, he’s 17, ofcourse he wants it. He’s made out with PLENTY of girls before me, and when we actually wanna makeout out for the first time, I don’t want to make a fool of myself ~_~

So pleeease, tell me what to do =S I know, I know, you guys say “it will just come naturaly” I know it will, I just want to be prepared.

Thanks :D

Answer #1


Okaii to be honest I was the same as you until one day..

I had a feeling that i wanted to do it..

I went closer to him kissed him and he put his tounge in me, then i pulled away and then I tried it again.


It turned to be good and fun. I made out with him at least 10 times:)

I was proud. That same night he told me I was good and he thought that i was expericenced and then I told him it was my first he freaked because i was so good.

But listen to me. If your NOT ready for it DON’T DO IT..

Wait until something tells you that you really want it.

Well I hope this helps.

Message me if you want.

xoxo. Sandra T.., xoxo

Answer #2

…its not something that makes that much of a difference in a relationship… …if he really cares about you..he wont care if your bad at it or not…hell probly even teach you. but you just kinda open your mouth..and play with eachothers tongues… but one thing you want to avoid…dont open and close your mouth like your a dog licking a water bowl…just go with the flow!! and u should be fine ~!~

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