What is the lowest gas price you have ever seen?

Answer #1

1.33 back in the 90’s when I was a kid

Answer #2

Long ago, I remember seeing gas for $45 Canadian.

Answer #3

24.9 in the early ‘70’s.

Answer #4

When i was in highschool gas was .99 not even a dollar yet. I used to be able to fill my car up for under ten bucks.

Answer #5

ya, as a kid, I remember when it was less than a dollar, 89 cents is the lowest I can remember in the 80’s.

When it got to a dollar, I remember thinking, “wow, that’s expensive…” :)

Answer #6

when i was 5 years old we had 1.50 every gallon, but now its 4.00 dollars a gallon…

Answer #7

1.40 :)

Answer #8

Whoa! I wish it was that cheap here back then. Shucks, I wish it was that cheap here now. lol

Answer #9

In the 1960’s I saw gas $0.23/gal during the “gas wars.”

Answer #10

The lowest I remember is 82 cents per gallon

Answer #11

I remember 93 cents when I was a kid.

Answer #12

74 Pfennig (good old German Mark) - that will be approximately 37 cents in € currency.

Unfortunately that price was on the sign of a former gas station that was closed down and used as a private repair yard and used-cars sale… They must have stopped selling gas in the 1980ies. :-(

Answer #13

oh, it was 74 Pfennig per liter, of course. Not per gallon. So it was 2 Mark 87 Pfennig per gallon, that is 1 € 44 ct per gallon. That’s about 2 US-$ per gallon by current course.

Answer #14

Todays prices in Germany are about 1€ 50ct per liter. One liter is 0.2642 gallons. So our current gas prizes over here are 5€ 81ct per gallon.Which would be 8$ 19ct in US-Dollar.

Answer #15

4 dollars a gallon. You people sure are lucky. European prices are twice that high. All right, we got small cars over here, that use half as much gas as your gas-devouring dinosaurs. :-P

Answer #16

You’re right. We’re lucky here, and spoiled. European prices have always been have much higher than ours. We are working on making our dinosaurs extinct, though. More folks are driving fuel efficient vehicles, and hybrids are becoming more popular.

Answer #17

OMG, I’d forgotten about gas wars! And gas stations used to give out drinking glasses with a fill-up.

Answer #18

They gave away all kinds of things. One of the gas stations in my area gave away cameras. They were cheap plastic Chinese Diana cameras. The same stations sold a flash and black & white film to go with the cameras; don’t remember the price of the accessories but I remember they were so cheap that everyone who ended up with a working camera got them. I shot a lot of the cheap film and when I go through boxes of old photos I can spot the Diana pictures because they are square and B&W and they really don’t look that bad.

Answer #19

Thanks for the memories!

Answer #20

The lowest I remeber (since I’m only 13 :P) is 1:30 and mom was asking “Why is gas so expensive?!?” I wish.. I may never be able to afford driving at this rate.

Answer #21

per gallon?? oh wait no for total ohhh…

Answer #22

ha ha how long ago was tht. Lol im total jk jk jk :)

Answer #23

dinosaurs are already extinct!! why do people keep talking about dinosaurs??!!!

Answer #24

ha ha one time the total of the gas was 15 $$ and i was like “Mommy its so expensive!!” Ha ha now my mom paying 80$$ And im like “Holy Crap…”

Answer #25

p.s. when it was 15$$ that was when i was little, i dont call my mom mommy anymore :P

Answer #26

it would have been sometime in the mid 80s @ 45p a litre which is what, bout 2 quid a gallon.

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