Answer #1

There are actually people who go their entire lives without “needing” a partner or a lover and are content with thei lives and happy. Although, most people need the comfort in knowing that someone is always there, always loves them and supports them, and that someone will be there for them when they need it. Love is a complex emotion and not everyone wants to deal with that and feel vulnerable.

Answer #2

Some people need love , some people live better being in love , some people get through their problems having their perfect soul mate to hold them and confront them. Some people have isssues and need a partner to guide them through. Some people been through the worst tragedies of their life and need another person to help them get through them. Some people are suicidal and needs someone to care before they hurt themselves. Some people are lonely and want someone to hold , kiss and give all their love too <3 Some people like the relationship life , instead of having one night stands and having multiple sex parnters, some people want to be serious with another and want a future with that person , LOVE IS A BEAUTIFUL THING . <3

Answer #3

Why would you not want someone to love? How could you survive?

Answer #4

Sometimes you don’t. Some do, because they just wanna feel loved or because they think that is how it is. I personally don’t think that you need a lover there with you to help you move on in life.

Answer #5

Some people dont. But others do because its nice to have someone there for you to lean on and share special moments with.

Answer #6

we are pack oriented like dogs, deer, or any other animal that has a pack mentality. People weren’t made to fly solo.

Answer #7

I don’t think it is necessarily a lover that people need. I think one of people’s greatest fears is being alone. That is why we are such a sociable species. As for lover, a lot of people want that closeness with someone. Someone that will always be there for them, understand them, and support them. Plus, with a lover (I’m going with wife)…. you can start a family. Some people want to children…. and I’m sorry it takes 2 to make a baby.

Answer #8

I’m enjoying the single life right now, but I loved having a companion

Answer #9

I don’t think anyone “needs” a lover, but we are certainly hardwired to seek one out. Why? Humans are gregarious by nature and seek out intimate relationships. In the early days of humanity, humans that cohabitated and bonded with other humans had a higher rate of survival and therefore were more likely to thrive and reproduce. This would have passed on and solidified these traits over many many years eventually structuring our brains to seek out these relationships in order to afford ourselves the highest level of success possible. When someone is in a relationship his/her brain produces all sorts of wonderful chemicals that make the person feel happy and content. The two primary chemicals responsible for “love” are oxytocin and vasopressin. The effects of these chemicals are what we perceive as feelings of love. Granted, the bond has to be reinforced on a regular basis in order to remain intact.

Why would we need this? Because most other animals are self sufficient by age two and no longer need to be raised by parents. Humans take close to 20 years to become self sufficient and are heavily dependent in the first 10 years of life. It would not benefit a mother to have a child with a non-committed partner as she would most likely not be able to raise it to adulthood due to human frailty. We are, after all, far less hardy than fur covered animals, and require a nutrient rich diet to fuel our bodies and brains. By providing these chemicals to reward us for staying with a partner(s), our brains are providing us with incentive to have the greatest odds of success at life and at passing on our genes.

In short; Our brains make most people feel a perceived “need” for a lover(s) because this is how humans are programmed.

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