How can I write a happy love song?

hi i need help i need to write the words to a love song but not a sad broken hearted love song but a happy im in love song i need the words before the music im find fr the music but need help with the words every love song i write ends up sad but i need a happy 1

Answer #1

Anytime I’ve written a song of any kind it was with the intent of who my audience is. Not necessarily what I’m feeling. When you write a love song, especially a happy love song, keep in mind the things you want to relay to the listener. Songs tell a story and if the story is interesting the listener will get it. Keep it simple. Don’t try to be too elaborate. Stay focused. Write about what a happy love is. Its newness, dependancy on each other, forgiveness, lasting love, how glad you are to have this special person in your life etc.

Hope it helps..

Answer #2

My Love, My Life

You have always been there When I needed someone, When I needed a friend. When I made a mistake, You always let it slide, As if you didn’t take notice of it. Every time I went astray, You were always there, Waiting for me, Knowing, Just somehow knowing, I would come back to you Once more. I don’t know how I can thank you Or love you enough For all you’ve done for me, For all the love you’ve given me, While expecting nothing in return. Your patience with me has been so great, Probably greater than It ever should have been. But am I ever glad, Ever so glad, Because even though it took me so long To realize that you are My only one. There’s nothing I’d much rather do than Share my life with you.

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