Love him forever?

Osmy boyfriend and I habe known eachother since 6th grade and now were in 9th and dating again for almost 5 months nown he says he’s never leaving. How many ofnu Think it will last forever? We’ve taught one time over a stupid joke he said and it was dumb. But yeah . How many believe him?

Answer #1

My ex & I knew/liked each other for 4 years before I was ready to date him. I think we all think our first love will be our last. People change, and life changes. The odds of marrying your first is next to null! Its only been 5 mos. just live 1 day at a time, and have fun with the experience of being in a relationship. Try not to get too serious, because things happen, and people say things in the moment.

Answer #2

I have had so many of my past boyfriend’s say that to me haha. I dont believe it when a guy says it, I just thik it’s a bunch of bullshit. nothin lasts forever! I don’t know mabe your guy does mean it , it really only matters if you do hun =]

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