Answer #1

Love is defined differently depending on who you are. Love can mean that you are physically attracted to someone, sexually attracted or that your hormones are just going crazy. When you can look at someone beyond the physical and truly adore them then you are in love, not what your genitals tell you. : )

Answer #2

Haha, at whoever doesn’t think that love makes people crazy.

You’ll see one day.

Answer #3

Love is when you cant bear be to apart. you think about them all the time. you think of the tiniest thing to bring them into a converstation. its when you just care so much. love is just love!

Answer #4

Love, is not getting over someone. When you leave, you think about every word you exchanged. Love is praying for them more than yourself, and your life being unimaginable without them. Love is falling asleep together, and waking up in each other’s arms. Love makes you do things you thought you’d never do. You’d do anything for that person- no questions asked. You’ll defy everyone, and give it all up for them. Love does make you insane. There’s a lack of words to describe it, but terribly wonderful.

Answer #5

I just asked my best friend this the other day. He told me that LOVE is a lot of things. You love you parents. You love your cat. But when you say you love your boyfriend/girlfriend its a whole new world. Love like that is when you cant stop thinking about that person. You feel like your going to die if you are away from them for to long. You freak out when you hear their voice. You get butterflys in your tummy when your around them. And… Ummm. when they touch you, your heart skips a beat.

Answer #6

What is love? baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more (8)

ok umm, you will eventually know what’s love once you experience it. but I will try to describe the feeling. you can’t get them out of your head you smile when you think of them you get sad when can’t talk to them and miss them you get really nervous but happy when talking to them on phone or going to see them… EVERYTHING!! too much to say

Answer #7

Watch the movie The NOTEBOOK

Answer #8

A deep human emotion that makes people insane.

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