How long after you open your eyes in the morning can you function properly?

Answer #1

Good Morning sweetie…:P I am not a morning person, so it takes a while after i wake up & chillax then actually get my cup of joe…once that is in my system…I am ready to Rock & Roll! :P

Answer #2

It takes me about 15 minutes after I open my eyes to start speaking english, anything before is a series of grunts and groans

Answer #3

calculating OK… week: Sleep mode. Alarm clock rings sleepwalk out of bed, hit button to silence clock (I placed it across the room, so i have to get up to snooze it). Sleepwalk to bathroom, throw a handful of cold water in my face. (1 min) zombie-walk to kitchen switch on coffee machine (2 min), zombie walk to shower. Shower (5 min). Half-awake dry myself and get dressed. ( 4 min). Sit down and drink coffee. (3 min). Reboot complete. Takes 15 minutes.

weekend: Sleep till 9 AM, wake up by kids who come to my bed to cuddle. Get up at 9:30, coffee, breakfast, then shower and get dressed. About an hour.

Answer #4

Good morning to ya sister, I open my eyes and ready to go 100mph, don’t know y, maybe anxieties, u can wake me from a dead sleep and I’m ready to go lol

Answer #5

My husband is like that… Gets up and starts to sing and dance. Terrible. Morning. People. With. Illegally. Joyful. Moods. At 6AM. GRUNT. :-[

Answer #6


Answer #7

Good morning everyone in the Americas, btw. :-)

Answer #8

lol, I totally agree rotten…I am like a fckn zombie…up but not awake…like what on earth are you so cheerful about it’s fckn 6am…Chillax…:P
@T…Where do you get all that energy from??? I Need some asap! :P

Answer #9

Hey Rotten, not all of us are from America, although I am one…:P I am actually in the middle east! ♥

Answer #10

And good afternoon to u, I think its afternoon, its 8am here

Answer #11

Yup, its almost 3pm here :P

Answer #12

I know. But this was a morning question, so I thought the people from America just got up and joined in. I can also say hi to everyone, but then I have to make the list longer. I’m 2 pm so……….. Good morning America, have a nice lunch, Europe, good afternoon, west Asia, good evening east Asia, good night Australia.

Answer #13

f…ck. Now I forgot the Africans. Sorry.

Answer #14

lmfao, rotten you are hysterical…gtta ♥ ya & your posts!…

Answer #15

Like temptress im not a morning person and it takes me about 30 minutes to wake up and process what everyones saying to me lol. if i wake up late and have to start getting ready as soon as i get up..its a danger zone around me haha

Answer #16

I can function as soon as I wake up :P it always makes my friends and stuff angry cuz I’m always the first person awake when I stay over and I wake them up. I’m an uber morning person. Except on the weekend xD I usually can’t function until 12 PM on the weekend. But for some reason I’m up super early today :D

Answer #17

LMFAO, I am soooo like that….the lil she devil comes out of me :P I get so B!tchy…like yo, move out of my way…ugh…cant you see I am fckn late…:P

Answer #18

Total morning person here … mornings are my prime time, but I start to lose steam around 2pm :)

Answer #19

Yes! talk to me in the morning…i will start an arguement! :D

Answer #20

I won’t. I’m on zombie mode. But I’m not going to remember that argument. Not before I had my first cup of coffee.

Answer #21

I am def not a morning person, but for my job I wake up at 2am… :( so it kinda sucks. But I blast some rock loud in my car to wake me up and of course my job wakes me up even more!

Answer #22

I too am just like a zombie if I am not in a rush & hvnt had my first cup or some music to boost my high…, but if I am running late & I have to jump out of bed get ready then I am on a rampage… like Lizzie…stick the mp3 in my ears get Armin Van Buuren to kick it up a notch & then I am all good! :P

Answer #23

lol, for me. it all depends. good mood,like waking up on the right side of the bed? few minutes. normal or sad mood. 30minutes or more+ am extra lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Answer #24

30-60 minutes :/ Mornings just make me mad sometimes….

Answer #25

rotten sheep of evil yeah you forgot the africans lol. its 4:15 here.Nigeria.west africa

Answer #26

Um about a minute not even im awake & shittt

Answer #27

rotten sheep of evil yeah you forgot the africans lol. its 4:15pm here.Nigeria.west africa

Answer #28

That is exactly like me, once my eyes are open i’m good.

Answer #29

yeah some wht what Adam says it also depends on u the persin

Answer #30

I beg your forgiveness :-(

Answer #31

lol. taken…

Answer #32

When we wake up in the morning we are bound to have a blurry vision and a sensation of active tingling in our eyes and another problem isn’t for all but most of us have problem to face light after staying in complete darkness.I don’t sleep or maybe somedays for one hour or so.But from what my friends have told me I can conclude that the majority has their eyes settled to the blurry vision with three minutes of standard time and for the tingling it moves off within ten minutes or after washing or splashing the eyes.The problem of facing light goes either after blinking for seven or eight even times or by itself within five minutes precisely.

║█║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█ Andrew Hall.

Answer #33

it takes me abot five minutes.

Answer #34

For me personaly it takes like 3 minutes! :D I am very jumpy in the morning! :D I am a morning person in the extream! :D But like everyone that answered this question has proven! It is different for everyone! :DDD

Answer #35

Usually, the alarm goes off and I get up, but don’t really function until I have had my morning coffee.

If I am on holiday, however, I usually wake up so early and full of the joys of spring. What’s with that? Holidays are for lie ins, pyjama days and such.

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