How long does it take to grow hair dye out?

August 2011 I dyed my hair purple using a permanent dye, unfortunately it didn’t go how I wanted it to, so i decided to grow it out and go back to my natural colour. Its now April and my roots are only about 3-4 inches long, I also have medium length hair and it doesn’t grow very quickly. I was wondering how long will it take for all the dye to come out?

Thankyou x

Answer #1

Looks like it will take a while, ur hair is growin slowly, if u want it to come out faster u can buy stuff that will strip the color or u cud use coca cola to help fade it faster

Answer #2

It will take forever for it to grow, what shade of purple? Purples and reds usually wash out quickly, but some shades don’t. There are bleach-free color removers but they can seriously throw your color in a weird way. I died my hair black once (hardest color to get rid of) and I had to bleach it, then re-dye it a week later. But since you are trying to get rid of a very unpredictable color, I would suggest going to a professional to get it taken care of. Trust me, it will turn out really bad if you try to fix purple by yourself.

Answer #3

It depends on the product. And how your hair react on it.

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