How long do you think it will take the American dollar to regain its former strength ?

Answer #1

At least 10 yrs I thonk

Answer #2

Oh! I hope not!I I’m Canadian and as I work on line and normally get piad in American, am actually losing money right now, it sucks! : (. Thankfully my new job is in Euros! I hope its 10 months , not years!

Answer #3

Who knows? Perhaps never?

Much of the reason the US dollar has been as stable and strong as it has been is petrodollars. All nations buy petroleum from the middle east using US dollars. Now Iran is considering selling petroleum for Euros and Yen. When the stabilizing force of petrodollars is gone expect the US dollar to fluctuate much more wildly and it may never reach its previous value.

Devaluation isn’t an entirely bad thing for us. It will make foreign goods more expensive and American goods more competitive so we might actually start making things again.

Answer #4

For us Canadian we do much better when the American Dollar is higher than ours. I’ve noticed a lack of American Tourism over here this past summer and the businesses certainly feel it., It seems so strange to me, I danced In Niagara Falls for several years and got use to getting $25 Canadian for $20 American.

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