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Who’s lil Kim?
Apparently. Here’s a before & after picture of her: http://funadvice.com/r/163halp1jef.
What are some treatments done by dermatologists that can get rid of bumps under my skin? - 1 Answers
I used to have pretty bad acne but now I rarely get new pimples. However, I have a lot of bumps, some bigger some smaller, le...
Any way to get rid of lil hair marks..like where the hair grows? - 1 Answers
Is there any way to get rid of lil hair marks..like where the hair grows?
How can I get my skin tone to lighten? - 1 Answers
hi guys and girls. some parts of my face is red, not really red but like in that photo. How can I lighten it up. Also best w...
How can I get paler skin so that I can get lighter hair.? - 3 Answers
I have tan skin but I want to get platinum blonde hair but my mom says it would look weird with tan skin so I want to lighten...
Can I still get my ear pierced at the top if I have keloid skin? - 1 Answers
should i get the ear piercing or no ? i already have my second ear piercing . i want my third one but i have keloid skin..i n...
How to lighten skin? - 1 Answers
Im indian and was born with a fair cmplexion But after walking a lot in the sun im gone darker How can I get fair again? A...
Lightening skin color - 2 Answers
Are there any treatment or surgery to get fairness
Does the egg treatment for your face tighten and get rid of acne, or does it only tighten your face? - 1 Answers
i have it on right now and my face feals tight but will it get rid of my acne too? and if it does how long will it take to se...
How do I get glowing skin? - 1 Answers
I am 13 years old . A few years back I had a glowing skin but now I have lost that color. More importantly I have to go to a...
What is the laser treatment called for acne beneath the skin? - 1 Answers
What should I know about it before considering, and what is the price range?
Lumi Skins
Skin Care, Beauty, Health and Wellness
Lilium Skin Clinic
Skin Care, Dermatology, Beauty Clinic
Skin By Kindra
Beauty & Spa, Skin Care, Wellness
Nourish Skin Clinic
Skincare, Beauty Clinic, Dermatology
Regina's Laser and Skin Clinic
Beauty services, Skin care, Hair removal