Answer #1

Umm…provided you’re talking about the actual food and not something perverted, yes, strawberries dipped in Hershey’s :)) Yum.

Answer #2

I like strawberries, they are absolutely delicious.

Answer #3

I love strawberries, ecspecialy dipped in Hershy’s chocolate! :D

Answer #4

lmfao no its the food!!! :D

Answer #5

Just checking :)

Answer #6

yummy, strawberries by themselves are good, dipped in chocholate yummier<3 andd gahh you got me craving strawberried dipped in chocolate now:/ haha(:

Answer #7

I go nuts over strawberries. omg they’re so amazing:O

Answer #8

strawberries with good quality balsamic vinagar mint and a touch of sugar :D Yummy :D

Answer #9

ha ha

Answer #10

I must try that!!

Answer #11

I love strawberries. They always remind me of summer days. They are so juicy and sweet. :-) whether dipped in chocolate or with pancakes - yum! They’re the best when they are first picked from trees. :D

Answer #12

:) at 1st i was scpetical but when i tried it is was WOW~~~! also the Balsamic vinagar brings out the natural sweetness of the strawberries :) also dont drown them in balsamic just a little gose a long way :D

Answer #13

They are soooo good in Sugar, I never thought of the Balsamic Vinagar. ^_^

Answer #14

I like Strawberries, in various forms :D smoothies, in salads, plain, dipped in chocolate, in a fruit salad, jam. So preyty much anything with strawberries I’ll gladly eat.

Answer #15

Love ‘em, and in case anyone is wondering, strawberries have more vitamin C than oranges so they’re healthy too.

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